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Heavy breathing. Beads of sweat on the face. Lips are covered with a dry crust. An abundance of wrinkles is caused by tightly closed eyes. White-knuckled fists clenching the blanket. All this was a consequence of another nightmare.

Olivia somehow forced her eyelids to lift. The mind categorically refused to obey the mistress, not wanting to let her out of the world of fantasy. The girl impulsively tore her head from the soft pillow, staring wide-eyed into the darkness of the unfamiliar room.

"Shhh, it's okay," came the soft voice of Alexa, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You're safe."

"Where am I?"

"You're home." The woman smiled, carefully taking the girl's hand. "It's okay."

Olivia frowned, licking her dry lips.

"Did you have a bad dream again?" Alexa asked softly.

Olivia nodded silently.

"You know, next time, just say out loud, 'I'm not afraid'. Repeat it until you feel calmer."

"Will it help?" the girl scowled.

"Of course. Now get some rest," the woman replied, pushing Olivia lightly in an attempt to get her back on the bed.

The eyelids once again became incredibly heavy. It was too hard to resist. Olivia pulled the blanket tighter over herself and closed her eyes.

"And I'll be right here, no matter what," Alexa whispered, leaving a tender kiss on the girl's forehead.

"Thanks, mom."

After lying there for several minutes with her eyes closed, Olivia felt through her dream that the woman had stopped squeezing her hand.

And at that very moment, it seemed to dawn on her. She never forgave Alexa for leaving her. And she simply couldn't be in her house right now. This realization shattered her confidence in the veracity of what was happening. The thought arose in her head that all this was still the tricks of her subconscious.

Opening her eyes, Olivia instantly found Alexa with her eyes. The woman was standing not far from the bed with her eyes full of tears.

"What's going on?" the girl asked confusedly, taking a semi-sitting position.

Suddenly, Alexa falls to the floor, dead. At the same second, Olivia notices herself. Her strangely creepy doppelganger, with a face stained with blood, not taking eyes off, looked at the torn-out heart in her hands. The light gray robe was stained with dirt and ash.

"What the hell!" The real Olivia's face flared with horror. "This is just a dream..."

Olivia squeezed her eyes shut, hoping to emerge from this nightmare.

"You did enjoy killing, didn't you?" A man's voice rang out.

Olivia opened her eyes frantically, feeling the viscous liquid on her hands. Looking down at her palms, she discovered blood—a lot of blood. Licking her lips feverishly, she realized that her face was also covered in blood.

Turning her head, the girl saw only the guy she already knew and Alexa's lifeless body. Her creepy doppelganger disappeared.

"Answer the question, Olivia," the guy in the robe said insinuatingly.

The girl, ignoring his words, rushed to Alexa. Touching her face with her palms, she felt how cold her body was.

"You felt this darkness, and you liked it. Am I right?"

"Stop messing with my mind!" the girl shouted.

"I'm doing absolutely nothing," the guy chuckled. "It's all you. You're punishing yourself."

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