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Despite being a massive fan of loneliness, Olivia found herself unable to be alone after what happened. She wanted to have people nearby—witnesses—in case something extraordinary happened.

That's why she chose the most crowded place during the break between school classes. Although she nevertheless protected herself from extraneous noise by wearing headphones. As she sat on the swing, she idly kicked her feet in the air, with only one thought on her mind.

In her musings, she couldn't help but wonder if everything from yesterday was just a figment of her vivid imagination. Well, or the effects of the drugs that were slipped into her secret drink at the pub. Or maybe she's just gone off the deep end. Olivia considered that option as well.

But no. Replaying the moment with Hood on the pier in her head, Olivia was sure it was real. The heat radiating from his body, the crimson liquid seeping from his abdomen, and their heartfelt conversation. It was all real. However, she couldn't wrap her head around it and embrace it.

Olivia has always had a rich inner world filled with dreams and fantasies. She believed in everything and always guessed that somewhere there was another side of life, known only to a select few. But despite all this, she was still a skeptic and continued to doubt every single thing, relying solely on what she saw with her own eyes.

And yesterday, she saw everything with her own eyes. But what exactly did she see? A fight? How did her classmate rip out an unknown guy's heart? How did a man slice open Hood's stomach with his claws, and then the guy healed himself?

As bizarre as it was, Olivia could take in each of these situations separately, but she couldn't piece the puzzle together. As if she were missing some small but extremely important detail.

Only one thing was undeniable—in real life, there are creatures that are vastly distinct from humans. But who are they? What are they?

Suddenly, she sensed the weight of someone's unwavering gaze upon her. Glancing around, she couldn't miss the sight of Nick's disheveled state as he hesitantly headed towards her. Olivia's heart began to pound wildly and dully in her chest.

"Can I take a seat here?" he asked quietly, glancing at the swing beside the girl.

Olivia's throat bobbled as she nodded. He audibly exhaled, scratched the back of his head, and then slowly sank onto the swing, which was clearly not designed for someone of his muscular build.

"I want to explain everything," Nick began softly, looking at the girl with the highest level of anxiety.

"Don't," she was surprised by the confidence in her own voice. "I know."

His thick eyebrows met on the bridge of his nose. "You know? What do you know?" he asked in bewilderment.

"I don't know what you are exactly, but you're definitely not human. Am I right?" Olivia asked, glowering at the guy.

Nick weakly nodded, nibbling on his bottom lip.

"Look, I won't tell anyone anything," the girl continued in a muffled voice. "But please, stay away from me."

Olivia hopped off the swing and moved in a direction unknown even to her.

"Wait!" Nick shouted in confusion, catching up with the girl. "Why?"

Olivia took a quick look around, making sure that no one was interested in the drama going on between them. "You killed him, didn't you?" Her voice trembled. "That guy in the boxing ring."

"I... I....."

"You what?" Gloom clouded Olivia's face as she observed him.

"I had no choice," Nick said with quiet despair.

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