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Leisurely passing through already familiar landscapes, painted by the subconscious, Olivia suddenly stopped and stared at the black sky on the left half of the forest. It seemed to be much darker this time. For the rest, she found no changes.

She froze, listening to her surroundings. Everything was mired in silence. Only her hoarse, heavy breathing disturbed this imaginary bliss.

Olivia impulsively shook her head, trying to clear her mind at least a little. And at that moment, she clearly sensed someone's presence. Someone was standing right behind her. She held her breath.

"So we meet again," a melodic, mellifluous voice sounded.

But Olivia was numb with horror anyway, clenching her fists with force. She exhaled noisily, trying to maintain a confident appearance, but still not daring to turn to face the stranger.

"Who are you?"

The stranger hesitated to answer. Suddenly, a heavy hand landed on her left shoulder. He squeezed it with force, digging his claws into the flesh. Olivia instantly felt a sharp, throbbing pain. Letting out a pitiful groan, she closed her eyes tightly.

"That's not what you want to know. Am I right?" The man whispered, leaning so close to Olivia's ear that goosebumps spread from her back to her neck. "The better question is... who you are?"

The white T-shirt was slowly stained by black blood—her own blood. The girl could barely restrain herself from howling in horror. Her heart swelled so much that it felt like it was about to explode. But Olivia made a firm decision not to show her fear to the stranger. It's just a dream after all, she thought. Or not?

"What do you want from me?" Olivia squeezed out angrily.

"I want you... to make a choice."

"What choice?"

"In favor of the dark side, silly," a slight grin was heard.

"I still don't understand," Olivia muttered, displeased.

A long sigh sounded behind her. "Don't understand yet... But soon your family will tell you everything. And I'll wait for now. I've been waiting for you for so many years, so I can wait a little longer."

The girl was taken aback by his words. "You're wrong." Her voice was hoarse with emotion. "I don't have a family."

"Oh, no, my little one..." he said softly. "You do have it."

The girl swallowed loudly, wanting to turn towards the stranger. But her fear was stronger than her desire. "What happens if I refuse?" she asked timidly. "What if I don't choose the dark side?"

The man laughed right next to Olivia's ear, causing her to tense up even more. "You have no choice! That's your destiny!" he exclaimed. "But if you suddenly decide to outplay the universe and don't take the dark side..." he took a long pause, deliberately adding drama to their conversation. "Then I will kill all the people who are dear to you. And I will do it with your hands. You have already realized that I can easily control your consciousness."


It's always difficult to sleep in a new place. For some reason, the dream is very superficial and disturbing. But for Mila, the situation was a little more complicated. She lay on the hard, cold floor, trying to push the annoying thoughts out of her head and focus on Olivia's snoring.

She didn't even realize how she fell asleep. But she was awakened by someone's intermittent and hoarse breathing. Her stomach suddenly twisted with fear. Mila furiously began to rub her eyes with her fingers, trying to get out of the embrace of sleep. She slowly stood up and immediately frowned warily.

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