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Olivia woke up in the cold darkness and breathed in the musty, dusty air. With difficulty opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was the concrete floor—a disgustingly dirty floor. A monotonous mechanical knocking sound came from somewhere. In the hanging semi-darkness of the little room, the inexplicable rumbling sounds seemed to become louder with every second, echoing from everywhere.

The blood on her forehead had long since dried, making her skin uncomfortably tight. Managing to roll over onto her back, she lay there for a long time, staring blankly at the concrete ceiling.

There is not the cleanest rag in her mouth, and her hands and feet are tied with ropes. She decides to make an attempt to rise from the ice floor, but the rope blocks any action. Closing her eyes tightly, Olivia screamed, but because of the rag, it sounded like a pitiful moan.

Her heart skipped a few beats as the bulky door slowly began to open with a creak. A couple of moments later, a gloomy face appeared in the doorway. Taking a quick look at the stranger's neck, Olivia didn't notice the sun tattoo. Which means he's not one of the renegades. And this fact scared her, but at the same time calmed her, giving her some confidence.

"How do you feel?"

The man squatted down opposite the girl. Olivia clenched her jaw. The muscles on her jaw immediately twitched, and her eyes sparkled with anger and fear towards this person.

"That little thing must be bothering you," the man chuckled, taking the rag out of Olivia's mouth.

The girl, feeling the disgusting taste on her tongue, immediately unconsciously licked her dry lips. "Go to hell."

"To hell?" he asked with a twitchy grin. "Luckily, it's not my turn today."

"What do you want from me?" the girl squeezed out hoarsely.

"I don't need anything from you," he chuckled nervously again. "I do what he wants... And it just so happens that he wants you."

"He? Some kind of madman who imagines himself to be the ruler of human destinies?"

The stranger shuddered and stared clearly into her gray-blue eyes. "Don't even think about saying that in front of him," he said quietly. "Will be worse."

"Are you threatening me?" the girl hissed through clenched teeth.

"Not me." He drew himself up to his full height with an apologetic smile. "But he is." The stranger walked leisurely back to the door. "I really feel sorry for you," he said, and in the next second, Olivia was left alone with herself.


Mila was circling the room, feverishly wringing her fingers and filling the room with a light crunch of bones. Tim sat on the bed, running his fingers through his dark hair and forcefully squeezing his temples.

"We need to call Alexa and Nick," Mila said, suddenly stopping.


"What do you mean, 'no'?" The girl was indignant. "She's missing! Someone attacked her and kidnapped her! What if it's Lucifer? After all, Alexa said he has this super-duper book!"

Tim sighed tiredly and rose from the bed. "I don't think it's him. I'm pretty sure it's not him," he answered measuredly. "I think it's the renegades. Most likely, George managed to tell them about Olivia. But why do they need her? That's the million-dollar question."

Mila's face changed, and she became gloomy. "I think it's time to tell my story."

Tim's face immediately scrunched up in indignation. "It doesn't matter right now."

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