Mind controlled

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Louisa's p.o.v

Master Splinter just started to make food for Slash and Rockwell so they could eat and most likely feel better from their escape. While I'm with the older turtles standing up since Mikey took the tire swing from me. "Your escape was very fortuitous, Shredder is not one easily eluded" Splinter says while setting down ramen. Baxter stands by my side saying "we're just glad you're okay" Mikey then got our attention. "Are you sure? Cause something seems off about you two" Mikey says from the tire swing.

Rockwell looks troubled as he says "they did something to us... yes, it's all coming back now, we were being experimented upon by Shredder." Donnie is the one to ask "experimented on?" Slash then remembers too saying "he had these... strang little worm creatures. And then.. and then" but he grabbed his head, so Mikey says "dude, don't leave us hangin." Slash just groaned as he held his head, so I say "hmm... I'll get you two some water." Master Splinter nods saying "I'll come with you" then we start walking, but I hear quiet footsteps.

Splinter heard them too as we both turn around, right there is Slash as he has his weapon in hand "Yoshi, go!" I yell and make ice go back. Then I push him as I try to make an ice shield quickly, but I slid on my own ice trail and fall down. Blinking is the only thing I could do for a split second as Slash kicks me towards the wall hard. I scream and my ice melts, Slash just roars out, so I say "you alright, Yoshi??" But I barely stand. "I am fine, thanks to you" Splinter answers out, but I see Slash going for Splinter again.

"No!" I yell out and make an unbreakable ice dome around me and Master Splinter, he looks at me and nods once as we wait right here. Slash just kept on hitting the dome over and over like it'll make a difference to my ice. "Splinter... must be.. destroyed!" Slash yells, so I make another unbreakable shield around sensei himself. Then I let my big one down as I dodge his blows, Slash growled at me and tried to fight. "Been waiting to see if I could fight back!" I yell out and start making ice shards hit his face.

Baxter just ran around by the couch and hid there as this was happening, so Leo and Raph joined in to help me fight Slash. "You will never hurt sensei!" Leo yells out, but Mikey jumped on Slash and covered his eyes. Raph grabbed Slash's arm saying "Weeza, is the ice unbreakable??" I nod saying "yeah! It is." That's when I get lifted up into the air, so I shriek a bit as I also notice Donnie's in the air too. "Rockwell's gone crazy too" Donnie inform us, then we got thrown towards Leatherhead.

We made him fall to the ground, but I instantly get back up and say "never had to fight a telepathic monkey before!" Then I run his way. He just kept on lifting me up and throwing me into the wall, so I made a big ice monster. "I'd like to see you lift that up!" I yell out and make it hit him into the wall, which caused me to fall. Donnie smiled big saying "okay, that was cool!" Then I make my unbreakable ice monster go to Slash. It's there to distract him as I go from behind, but I guess Rockwell got back up cause I got lifted.

"Rockwell, why are you doing this?!" Leo asks out as Raph throws ninja stars, but Rockwell floats me in their way like I'm a human shield. I instantly grab out my bone kunais and deflect them "nice try" I mumble as I float here. "It is the will of the master" Rockwell answers, so Baxter yells out "he's mind controlled." Rockwell floats other objects to hit the guys, but I'm still floating here as I look at them confused. "Shredder desires one of the turtles, along with her" Slash says while pointing my way.

"I volunteer to go kick his butt, right after I kick yours" Raph says and twirls his sais around, but I already know he can't take these two on. Especially if Slash has a knockout gas with him, that he already threw at Raph to make him fall. Slash then picks up Raph saying "Rockwell, fall back!" "Louisa!" Donnie yells as he's still down. Rockwell opens the lab doors as he floats me over with him, then he closed them, so I finally melt my ice. Master Splinter is free, but didn't get to do a thing to help as I made him stay safe in that place.

We got carried into the Party Wagon, so Rockwell sets me down by Slash as he holds my hands together in his giant one. I struggle and try to kick my way out, but it didn't do a thing as Rockwell went to drive. "Guys!" I yell out as the Party Wagon starts driving 'ha! What they don't know is that the Shellrazor is fixed.' I think and smirk a little, but Slash slaps me saying "stop smirking! You already lost." That just made me roll my eyes "that's just what we want you to think, ya baka!" I yell out and stick my tongue out.

Since we're swerving I can only guess that the guys are hot on our trail, so Slash glares at me and growls as he continues to hold me. Instantly we're already in Shredder's lair,  Slash kept holding me by my hands to make sure I can't do a thing. Rockwell levitates Raph in the air as they take us inside and strap us down to a table thing. All I can do is continue to struggle as I get strapped down, but I finally give up, knowing that I'm stuck. After a few minutes Raph groans asking "where am I??" I look his way saying "captured."


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


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