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Louisa's p.o.v

"Honeybee, snap out of it! Please!!" Donnie yells as he twirls his bo staff around "the only thing that will snap is your neck!" I yell and wink. He looks at me confused as I don't hit him as hard as I can, but he finally got it, and I "throw" him across the room. Donnie screamed as he flew through the air, but I skated after him as I continue to "fight." That's when I get my bone kunai to his throat, but end up throwing it Shredder's way as I scream. Shredder easily deflected it as he looks at me shocked "it's called acting, Shredder! Eat it."

He glares at me, but Donnie looks at me shocked saying "by Darwin's beard, how'd you fight it?!" I answer with "I have to ignore great powers on the daily. This was no exception" Kit growled as she jumped my way, so I shriek and push Donnie out of her way. I ended up getting hit, but it was a good thing that I have this ice armor on, or I'd be hurt badly. Remembering how that worm looked I started to gag again, then I ended up puking the thing out. It shattered, but Kit stuck her tongue out in disgust as she runs towards me, and we start fighting.

"Donnie, go help fight!! I got Kit handled" I yell out as I kicked her abdomen hard "why don't you come out of that armor you made??" Kit asks angered. That just made me smirk as I answer "cause I like to anger you" then we continued our fight. Skating back I skate up and go to body slam myself onto her to get her down to the ground. She growled at me and I just stand up saying "I can see why Shredder got you for your brain. But your fighting skills... eh, not so much" she hissed and scratched at my foot, which isn't in armor.

I scream out in pain as I jump on my other foot, but I stepped on her tail in the process somehow, making her sound like an angered cat. That's when we notice Raph puke out the worm, so Shredder says "Kit, what's going on?!" I smirk at this. 'Oh yeah, how we get them back is anger them to the max...' I think to myself as Kit was confused. "I don't know!" Kit answers, but I kick her out cold as I run over to Donnie and Rockwell. "Leo, you're a genius!" Donnie says and slaps himself because of Rockwell controlling him.

"Something you're obviously not, Rockwell! Acting like a child and making Donnie slap himself?? Let me guess. You even said quit hitting yourself! Honestly, when we first met I thought you were a baboon." I smirk as he glares at me, dropping Donnie in the process saying "what?! How dare you. If you haven't noticed, you're just mostly here because people pity-" that's when he puked out the worm. I gag a bit and just throw my bone kunai at it "I was only pulling your leg, Rockwell, and nice insult."

He nervously laughs as he says "sorry..." I roll my eyes as I help Donnie up and grab my bone kunai from the ground "I'm good" I answer him. Donnie just says "now blast that worm out of Slash!" Which Rockwell actually could do. Slash puked it out into the fire that surrounds Shredder, so I smirk and twirl my kunais around. "It is time I end this experiment" Shredder says and stands up, so we all get in a fighting stance. We're all around Shredder in a big circle, so we actually have a chance on winning this.

"Turtle, Mutanimals... get him!" I yell out, then we all started to fight Shredder, we all went at different times, but I waited for my turn. When he thought he was only keeping Leo and Raph away, I come in and upper cut him, then kick his abdomen. We had a good fight against him, at least until he flung all three of us back, I groan and hold my head. My armor finally melting from around my body and I feel really cold because of the water. We look up at Shredder, but the statue behind him starts to fall towards us, Raph pulled me out of the way.

Looking towards where the statue fell I hear slow clapping, but it turned out to be Slash wiping the dust off of his hands. I smile big and say "nice job, bro!" But we all had to look back to see the numerous footbots run in. Tigerclaw and Kit stand up as they growl, Raph was getting ready to fight, but Leo and I stop him. "Another time!" Leo says for us, then he threw a smoke bomb for our escape to be much easier. We all started to run out before they could get to us, so I sigh in relief as we run out of that lair.

Once we reach the sewers we start walking, so I sigh and just look down at my hands deep in thought 'how am I this powerful?' I think confused. "You have to ignore powers daily??" Donnie asks me, so I side smile and nod once at that. Leo looked at me confused as Raph pats my back saying "at least someone could fight it. Imagine; Louisa being brainwashed into working for Shredder!" That made us nervously laugh. "He'd probably be unstoppable" I say and scratch the back of my neck out of nervousness.

We finally reach the lair, where Splinter is sitting while meditating with Baxter in the dojo, so Slash goes to make Splinter something as an apology. Probably is making tea since that's all I smell right now, but I sigh and go into the dojo to meditate too. After about five minutes of silence I hear footsteps, so I open an eye to see Slash with tea. "I am... sorry, Master Splinter" Slash says and hands Splinter the tea cup, so Baxter looks at me confused. "What happened when they took you??" Baxter asks worriedly, but Slash kept apologizing.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


2012 TMNT Clash of the Mutanimals (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now