5 -- Larry's New Purchase

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Larry noticed it as soon as Melinda set foot in his apartment.  Something.  He didn't know exactly what it was, his brain couldn't quite grasp it, but his gut could feel it.  Something was ..... off.

"Where did you go ?"  You could hear possession in his tone.  It was fairly early morning, he'd not long woken up, and he was just coming out of the shower as Melinda walked in the door.

"I, um ...... went to visit daddy.  It didn't go so well, so can we leave it, please ?  I don't want to talk about it .... "  Larry nodded his understanding as she crossed in front of him and closed the bathroom door quietly.  He realised then, that he didn't want to jump her bones right then and there, like he usually would.  He was always ready.  Yeah, something was definitely off.

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  

Hell was certainly living up to it's name after Melinda had left.  Minions fled and hid as soon as her departure became  known, as His Darkest Majesty stomped around his Kingdom just for effect.  He could levitate or apparate as he wished, but he felt the need to exert his authority. To make his ill tempered presence known.  

His wives lived in fear too, knowing that apart from torturing the poor souls unfortunate enough to have earned a trip to hell with no return journey, his only other outlet for his anger and frustration was sex.  Nasty, dirty, rough, depraved sex.  They had only seen him like this on very rare occasions, but this was a whole other level of anger and pain.  All they could do, collectively, was thank Hades that they could job share.  Even out the load a little.  All they could collectively do was shudder at the thought of what was to come.  

In his quiet moments, which were equally rare, when he wasn't stomping around, or torturing his subjects, or yelling at his minions, he thought about Melinda.  Memories flooding his mind like old home movies.  When she was a newborn, and he just could not let her go.  When she was little, and he would chase her around the garden, giggling.  When she was a teenager, fed up with her Hellish life, she would beg and plead for him to let her visit the Overworld.  And he would give in, sending at least a dozen of his best henchmen as her escorts.  And now she was gone.  She had chosen "Larry".  His face darkened, his eyes glowed red just at the thought.  He was so tempted to check up on her, to make sure she was OK.  Happy.  But he wouldn't.  Firstly, it was her life now, she was a human for a lifetime.  And b) What would he do if she wasn't happy ?  He had told her she could not come home, that he would not intervene.  Still ........... No !  He would not.  He couldn't.  He sighed deeply, his eyes reverting back to their regular chocolate brown, as he carried on with his jobs for the day.  Stomping, torturing and yelling.  The sex would come later.

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  

Melinda had been back in the Overworld for a few weeks.  Larry for some reason, suddenly found himself uneasy in her presence.  Finding not much to talk about.  He wasn't under her influence any more.  They had made love a few times in that time, and it was ...... good.  But not great.  Not the ball busting, earth shattering, out-of-this-world sex it had always been.  He just put it down to the fact that he hadn't been feeling great, and that as they had been together for a while now, things were just cooling off a bit.  Settling down a little.  A lot.  

Melinda was trying her best, she really was.  She would tease and caress, flirt and bat her eyelashes, even jump Larry on occasion, she could not make her feelings, want's and desires more evident.  What the fuck !  She knew what was wrong though, she knew she had no control over his thoughts, feelings, or actions any longer.  She thought she would always be able to rely on her devilish feminine wiles, and as much as Larry loved sex, she thought he would always succumb.  But he had changed too.  It was as if he was fed up with just the sex now.  He would get irritated with her, and leave the apartment just to get away, put some space between them.  He would lose his temper with her, something he had never done before.  He didn't hang on her every word any more, finding her boring and immature.  What had possessed him, he wondered, to have been so besotted, so enamoured with her before ?  What in Hell was going on ?   

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