7 -- His Little Human

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Warning  --  Devil x Man Sex

He knew it was a nightmare, it had to be.  There was no way this could be real.  Even so, he could feel himself starting to panic.  His heart was thumping in his chest, and he was trying to calm his breathing, blinking quickly trying to focus on what he thought he was actually seeing.

The panorama before him looked like a devastated, apocalyptic moonscape.  Rubble, gravel and rocks as far as the eye could see, and flat as a pancake to the distant horizon.  Crumbling buildings intermittently scattered the landscape.  Charred bodies lined the pathway he was slowly, steadily walking.  Acrid smoke filled the grey, almost impenetrable air.  All he could smell was burnt flesh, and death.   He kept walking, to where, who knew.  Something inside him was driving him on, to escape this place.  Keep walking, just keep walking, he told himself.  His heart was still thumping out of control, his breaths were getting shorter, harder to inhale and fill his lungs with anything that resembled air, let alone anything "fresh".    A figure appeared in the distance on the road in front of him, and he stopped, now actually afraid.  He gulped.

"Don't be afraid, Larry"  the low, gravelly, familiar voice told him, " I'm here.  There's nothing to be afraid of if I'm here".  As he started walking again, his heart calmed, his breathing became easier, and his pace even quickened slightly.  The figure that stood before him was absolutely grotesque.  Blackened, burned skin was cloaked in tattered rags.  Pointed, sharp fingers and claws, protruding bones trying to escape it's hanging flesh.  And ice blue eyes, that glowed red.  The closer Larry got to the figure, the more the eyes glowed.  Larry looked up into those eyes, and smiled.  He felt a calm rush over him in a wave of ..... affection ..... for this entity in front of him.  The more he looked, he couldn't see the other features of his face, only the eyes.  The more he searched the face, the more he found .......

"Larry".  He blinked quickly, registering his name, but it wasn't the figure in front of him that said it.  

"Larry", more insistent now, he looked behind him, but all he saw was fire and smoke on the distant horizon.

"Liebchen !"  His eyes snapped open, only to see the his own bedroom ceiling.  It had been a nightmare, but he was surprised he wasn't panicking or trying to catch his breath, like he normally would.  He felt calm.  The voice, what was the voice ?  And the name ?  No .......

Larry sat bolt upright in bed, his bare torso carrying a slight sheen of sweat as his nightmarish scenario disappeared from his mind.  He immediately looked to his side, only to notice that Melinda wasn't in her usual place, frowning as the question crossed his mind as to where she could be.  

"I sent her home to visit with her friends"  That voice again, the one that made his dick jump before.  It did again now.  Larry's head swiveled to where he thought the voice came from.  The room was dark, only a pale, thin chink of light sneaking in under the almost closed blinds.  But it was dark enough to see the glowing red eyes at the foot of the bed.  Slight panic started to rise in Larry's chest again at the sight, but he immediately thought back to how those eyes had calmed him in his ..... dream.  Her shook his head sharply to dispel...... all of it ....... any of it.  The red eyes, dream or reality.  He wasn't even sure if this was a dream or not.  None of this seemed real.

The window blinds rolled up of their accord, apparently, letting a beautiful silver glow fill the room.  Larry could only stare at the figure at the foot of his bed.  He involuntarily let out a quiet gasp as the moonlight hit what he, at first, thought was Laurent's face glaring back at him, but he knew it couldn't be.  Laurent was good looking, attractive, but this face was ..... beautiful, ethereal, other worldly.  Plus, what the fuck would Laurent be doing here, unless this was, in fact, a dream.  Had he, in fact, dreamed of Laurent ?  Another story for another day, he told himself.  Deal with this now.   Larry was breathing hard again now, puffing air out through his mouth after inhaling hard through his nose, calming his heart and his breathing, yet again.  

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