Chapter 8

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HEY so i wanted to thank Jade_1991 for following me!! I hope you enjoy this chapter and i will try to update every Friday or Sunday in your honor!! Louis's POV : I was so glad to see my little Jane laughing along with the girls as they told her funny stories about us .God , Jane's laugh was so beautiful I didn't want it to stop .Soon Niall went over to her and said "I'm hungry! Jane ,lass do you have any food lass??" Jane giggled and got up to say "who else is hungry?" We all agreed to make some food and Niall stood there and said "attend to my needs peasants!!" .We all laughed to the comment he made and he replied "I'm serious " and with that the boys and I tackled him in a playful way. Jane 's POV : I laughed to see the boys wrestle in a playful way,after they finished Liam and Harry went "under cover" to the groceries to get meat for a barbecue . I was busy with the potatoes ,when Louis came up to me and asked me if i needed help i just told him to set the table ready outside . Then Sophia came over and i asked her to slice up carrots and when Louis returned Sophia teased him about the carrots and i said "oh yeah , Paul told me you like a girl who is fond with carrots , sorry!" . He replied with "It's alright love " and i blushed . Louis's POV : I saw Jane blush and i found it adorable . She looked up at me and i smiled , causing her to blush more , she quickly brushed away and sliced more potatoes and i saw Niall sitting and i said " Get up lazy leprechaun " he just laughed and helped me take out the plates and Zayn helped Perrie pit on lights . After all the preparation we were proud of the work . As we got in we all sat down to see Jane work her magic with Harry . I was rather jealous of him but he was working on a dessert and Jane on a tasty side dish,potatoes with spinach and cheese . We were amazed of what those two did. When the food was prepared we sat down at the outside table and Jane looked unsure of what to do ,right when she was young she was nervous to eat around people and she still is. So i took her hand and whispered "it's ok love they won't harm you" . Jane's POV : I was sad to see my friends go , well except Louis he stayed with me . He gave me his reassuring that everything was going to be okay . We decided to watch a movie but halfway i drifted off to a deep sleep. I felt him take me upstairs and tuck me in my bed , and i swear i could feel him peck my cheek and say "Goodnight ,i love you" *dream*. "NO PLEASE !!! Blake stop hurting me !!!" I cried "but that's the fun part " he smirked sending shivers around my body . I felt pain through my back as he shoved and pushed me to the wall.He had a cold glare staring right at me and saying "you're pathetic" the smell of bourbon reeked his mouth ,i hated it.As he loosened his grip i was able to push myself off him and ran away from him to my house . The only place where i felt safe .
*end of dream*
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed as the memory flooded through my mind . I heard Blake downstairs . "JANE !!! " He hollered and i went downstairs "the heck ?!how did you get in here?! " I blurted and i slapped my mouth shut , I regretted what i said as I received a punch in the jaw . " Listen here worthless piece of crap , don't you dare going anywhere with that man you think you can go with any rich guy but here is the deal you BELONG TO ME !!!!!" "I DO NOT BELONG TO ANYONE !!!! WE ARE JUST FRIENDS NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN ME AND HIM!!!AS FOR YOU AND ME I ALREADY SAID WE ARE DONE !!! WHY DON'T YOU STICK THAT TO YOUR SKULL!!!!!" I received many blows after that but then he grabbed my collar. " LISTEN HERE CRAP!! I WILL KILL HIM AND HURT ALL THE PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT EITHER THAT OR YOU GO OUT WITH ME AND IGNORE THEM AND TELL THEM TO STOP VISITING YOU !!!" That shut me up. "you wouldn't i whispered , he smirked and replied coldly " why will i ever listen to you?Now do we have a deal or no?" I gave up after that i knew once he said something he meant it "fine .... "i replied and he left me after that.
-------------------------------------------------- ooooo so what do you think happens ? Doesn't matter anyway i will publish the next chapter after i publish this.

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