Chapter 14

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Perrie's POV:

We were scared to hell as the captors "prepped " us to send a video to our loved ones. I was confused at first but i saw them take out a phone and I got the idea .

Boy , did we change the last 2 weeks . We are dirtier ,smell like crap, got skinnier , and we are decorated with bruises . No i am not exaggerating when i say we are literally decorated in bruises . Everything changed , even Jane has gotten back to her old self . But this time we have no medication but most importantly , her boobear, Louis . We miss all our boyfriends but dang , Jane misses Louis alot . So much that when she gets nightmares she's screaming for him. It breaks our heart to see her like this.

I just hope MY girls are okay.

"Is it ready?" I heard Rick growl , "Yes sir" yeah that's what they call him and Blake. Blake once came and he kissed us all . We pushed away but that resulted into beatings. I was snapped out of thoughts when we were shoved onto chairs and we were looking straight into the camera.

"HELLO BOYS!!!! Welcome to the Rick show!!!! With contestants : Jane , Perrie, and Sophia!!!!! "

Louis POV :

We were in the house which is practically where we always stay now . The tour had been canceled due to the missing girls.We were sitting in the kitchen when all our phones buzzed.


* video that is made for you!!!*

I read " the heck ?" I muttered and pressed play .

"HELLO BOYS!!!! Welcome to the rick show!!!!! " I heard it coming from all our phones .

I was about to delete it when i heard

" With contestants : Jane, Perrie , and Sophia!!!!!!!" That caught our attention and we were all staring our phones . I gasped as i saw Jane, she looked like before we came to her. I then saw someone who looked like , like , Blake?

"Well Jane we all know you want to tell someone something "and all eyes were on me.

"Louis , please don't look for us . We don't need you . I don't need you. I-i f-found someone b- better. We, I , Im s-sorry !!!!!" Her voice was heard and it was echoing in my head . I hadn't realized i was crying .

" Eeee Jane!! You messed up! You know what it means?! We guess it is time for punishment!!!" "NO PLEASE !!!!" And that is what we heard until we slammed our phones and threw them as we ran away from the kitchen . We could still hear them screaming And the last thing i heard was my name being called from Jane .

Sophia's POV :

We got enough bruises to match a purple polka dot blanket. Jane had another panic attack but settled down which is why Louis name was being called out by her . " I miss them" i choked out.

"Me too" was what i got as a reply. Jane was looking outside the window ,we all
Were . She wanted to leave , she wanted to be in Louis arms. She needed him alot more than we needed our boyfriends .

Jane's POV:

"GET UP !! GET UP!!!" I heard Blake holler in our prison room. It was like what!? 3 am?! "Why don't we go outside?!" Yelled Rick . ok am i the only one confused here?.

As we went outside we were greeted by the cold and a camera . " IT IS THE RICK SHOW!!!!" Damn the Rick show" we will show you how to survive the cold!!! 1 , 2 , 3!!!! RUN!!!!!" And i heard a gunshot and it startled is and we took off.

It wasn't long until i heard rustling

"Perrie? Sophia ?! Is it you?!" But no!!!! It was a wolf !!! "AAAAAAHHHHH" I screamed so loudly and i took off again . But it followed me!!!" GO AWAY!!!!" I yelled and i HAD to trip!!! I saw it jump and the sleeping tranquilizer was shot into it . The camera then popped out with Rick laughing. I noticed Perrie and Sophia limping towards me . This was all my fault , why can't i just die?!

Zayn's POV:


I hate that voice . I hate it so much. We were all crying . Especially Louis , he was suffering so much after what Jane said about loving someone else , which was a lie, but he still cried for her. We hadn't eaten and we didn't care.

All i wanted to do was clean the gashes , bruises , and cuts from them and take them home ( ha see what i did there?) . The police couldn't find them , but we saw something that might help them . The woods , there were only two , ours and the one 34 miles away. They had already searched our woods so could it be the other one?

The bad luck charm(a Louis Tomlinson fanfic,duh)Where stories live. Discover now