The Challenge

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Hello!! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!! ENJOY!!!!!

[Tyler POV]

The mysterious girl from the cafe stared at me and I stared at her.

The girl that Sage likes, Parker, came from behind her.

"What's going on?" she asked, looking between me and the girl. Both of us looked at Parker.

Sage elbowed my side with a grin. I glared at him and elbowed his side as my cheeks turned a light red.

"Why are you here so early, Parker?" Ryder asked. Parker froze and her cheeks became a light red.

"No reason!!" she exclaimed, arms crossed.

The other boys started to question Parker as the mysterious girl started towards the locker room. I caught up to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned and tilted her head at me curiously.



I groaned and turned around to see Jersey and her servant, Heather, walk into the gym.

"Why are you here so early, Jersey?" I questioned annoyed.

Jersey wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in a little. I leaned back a lot as she started rambling about how she should be able to come into her own gym whenever she wanted. I wasn't really listening though.

I was pleading Sage to do something, but he just snickered. I glared at him and motioned to his hat. Sage instantly quieted and pushed Jersey off of me.

"Did you have to threaten my hat?!" Sage hissed in my ear.

"Did you have to let that she-demon crawl on me?!" I hissed back and Sage smiled at me sheepishly. I rolled my eyes.

"Did you want to ask me something?"

I turned to see the mysterious girl still standing there.

"Uh-YAY!!!" I shouted louder than necessary. The mysterious girl looked at me quizzically as the boys basketball team snickered.

"Well, what is it?" she asked impatiently.

"Um..." I glanced around for something to save me. "Are you on the girls basketball team?"

"That's right," the mysterious girl said as she nodded. She suddenly smirked. "And I bet that I could beat you any day!"

My eyes widened in shock, but I quickly smirked back.

"I wouldn't count on it, shortie!" I countered, leaning in a little. The mysterious girl's cheeks turned a slight red, but she quickly pushed me away with a scoff.

"Is it because I'm a girl or because I'm short?" she asked with crossed arms and a scowl.

"It's because I'm just that good," I bragged. The mysterious girl rolled her eyes with a barely noticeable smile.

"How about we play a 1v1 in this gym? Tomorrow? After school?" she suggested, leaning in a little. My cheeks turned a light red as my eyes widened.

"Uh... Sure...?" I replied. The mysterious girl smiled at me.

"Challenge accepted!" She whispered in my ear and walked into the girls locker room. Parker followed her inside, trying, and failing, to hide her laugh.

I groaned as I heard the basketball team laughed.

"I'm never going to live this down," I said under breath and me and Sage hurried out of the gym.

Who's going to win? Madison? Or Tyler? Take a guess!!! If you want to of course! Have a great day, my little kittens!!

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