22 Years Later...

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[Madison POV]



I groaned as Payton and Paige started arguing.


Why can't they bother me when I'm not sleeping...?

I opened my eyes and stared at them.

I turned to Tyler, who, somehow, was sleeping soundly.

I rolled my eyes, put my white moon pendant around my neck, and walked into the kitchen to make myself some much needed coffee, Payton and Paige still arguing as they followed me.

I turned this song on and started making coffee, tuning out my kids.

Once my coffee was finished, I poured some into my favorite mug and sat in one of my couches.

Jewel walked into the living room and stared at Payton and Paige, who were still arguing. She shrugged and sat beside me.

"What are they arguing about this time?" she asked me.

I shrugged as I took a sip of my coffee.

"I haven't been listening ever since they woke me up," I replied bitterly.

Jewel chuckled as she pulled her hair into a high ponytail with a pink hair tie.

I turned to Payton and Paige and gave them 'the look'.

They instantly quieted and their backs straightened.

Jewel chuckled quietly as she walked into the pantry.

"Now, what happened?" I asked Payton.

Payton always told the truth, thinking he would be favored for it. I do appreciate his honesty, but that doesn't mean he's not going to get in trouble for something bad he did.

Payton glared at Paige.

"Well, Paige tried to hog the TV!!!! I was playing MADDEN2K42 when Paige switched the channel!!!! And I was about to score a touchdown, too!!!! I tried to take back the remote, but she scratched me!!!!" Payton exclaimed, showing me his arm which had three scratch marks running down his arm.

Paige stuck her tongue out at Payton with crossed arms.

I sighed.


I nodded my head and turned to Paige.

"Paige, it was wrong of you to just change the channel when Payton was obviously playing and you should've asked him if you could do what you wanted! Also, no scratching others unless they're a serious threat!" I scolded her.

Paige stared at the ground in shame.


I turned to Payton, who was smirking at Paige in triumph.

"You shouldn't have hogged the TV all to yourself! You should've thought if Paige, or Jewel, wanted to use the TV instead of keep playing! Also, no fighting over the remote, that goes to both of you! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mom..." Payton and Paige mumbled together.

I smiled in satisfaction.

"Now, hug it out!" I commanded them.

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