07. only packing the necessities

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Blake's eyes slowly opened and she groggily glanced around her bedroom, which was in a state of complete disarray. Different articles of clothing were scattered everywhere amongst the room — the floor, atop her desk, tossed lazily over her office chair — it was a disaster and the mere thought of having to clean it up made her want to cry.

With a tired sigh, she sat up and threw her duvet off of her. Her cat, Marvel, was sleeping on the bed next to her head, and Blake pet him for a moment before turning the other way to grab her phone off of her nightstand. It was just past ten in the morning, which was a lot later than she normally woke up — though she wouldn't complain. She's had a very busy couple of weeks, and she knew that it was only going to get busier as the days passed. Excited was a drastic understatement, but so was nervous.

Luke had sent her several snapchat messages earlier in the morning, and Blake was truthfully surprised that he was awake at that hour. Does this guy ever sleep?

March 19, 2020 5:33am - snapchat

good morning blakey!

ur definitely not awake
right now but i saw this
pic and i thought of u
so i have to share it

ur definitely not awake right now but i saw this pic and i thought of uso i have to share it

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it's a cat crying 😔

reminded me of u :-)

March 19, 2020 9:49am - snapchat

i am gonna get online
if ur available and want
to play

still don't know if ur
awake but i'm assuming
by the lack of answers that
ur not

unless ur ignoring me😔

ok i'm getting on black

March 19, 2020 10:13am - snapchat

dear god spam much

also that cat😣 definitely
been through a thing or

and i wasn't ignoring
u i just woke up

sorry that i wanted to
talk to my bff

the cat's been through
a lot 😔

if u wanted to talk to ur
bff why were u texting

i don't know basic math
but that doesn't add up

i have a cat but he doesn't
cry like that

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