12. you bitch

805 81 188


"Sawyer, come on, keep up."

"I'm walking as fast as I can, Myles."

"Well walk faster."

Blake let out a tired yawn as she trudged behind a fast paced, determined Myles. They were at the airport, their flight due to board at any minute. Myles had decided that he wanted something from Starbucks, and insisted that Blake followed — she only agreed because he offered to buy her a drink, regardless of the fact that it was ten thirty in the evening.

Over the course of the last week, Blake and Myles had accompanied the band as they traveled along the west coast of Australia before flying to Melbourne, and ultimately ending the Australian leg of the tour in Perth. Throughout the nine days she'd been in the country, she'd quickly grown to love it, despite the ungodly size of some of the spiders she'd encountered.

One of her favorite things about Australia was the accents. Fortunately for her, she had a small bit of that wherever she went, seeing as she was traveling with four, giant Australian men — whom she'd grown much more comfortable around. They were very welcoming and friendly toward her whenever she was working backstage with them, which she was beyond grateful for. Their kindhearted and casual approach to conversation certainly mitigated her initial fear of the boisterous, intimidating group.

The flight to Glasgow from Perth had two layovers, one in Doha, and one in London. She was absolutely dreading the next twenty nine hours, but they had several days off once arriving in Scotland, and she already knew she'd spend a lot of them catching up on lost sleep and adjusting to the time zone change.

In preparation for the flights, she had downloaded the first six movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hoping that it would help pass some of the time with ease. It would overall account for about half of the air time, but she planned to spend at least some time sleeping. It most likely wouldn't happen, but she hoped nevertheless.

Much to her surprise, she and Myles received their drinks and were back at the gate before the first boarding call. "I told you we wouldn't be late," Myles said as soon as they sat back down.

"Oh shut up," she rolled her eyes. "Why did you get a coffee when we're gonna be flying all night? You won't be able to sleep."

"Sawyer, you're literally drinking a coffee right now."

"We're not talking about me, Rivera," she retorted, calling him by his last name just as he always did to her.

"How is it — never mind," he groaned with the shake of his head. Blake smirked at his annoyance before bringing the cup to her lips and taking a sip.

Just minutes later, first class was called for boarding and the duo gathered their carry on before making their way to the gate. She noticed the band standing near the row of chairs to her right, the four of them talking as they collected their belongings. Luke's blue eyes met her hazel ones and he gave her a small wave, the girl almost immediately reciprocating the gesture as she sent him a small smile. "Ma'am, your boarding pass please."

"Oh, uh — yeah, sorry," she spoke sheepishly as she pulled her gaze from Luke, reaching in her sweatshirt pocket for her ticket. The lady scanned it before giving her the go-ahead, and Blake walked behind Myles through the sky bridge.

Myles helped her put her carry on in the overhead bin and after a short argument on who would sit by the window — Blake winning — they sat down and situated themselves for the eleven hour flight. She soon heard loud, booming voices echo through the mostly vacant airplane, causing her to look up from her phone and see the band walking down the aisle as they laughed with one another. Blake humorously rolled her eyes before shuffling her airplane playlist and playing Plague Inc. until she was able to put the table down for her computer.

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