22. is that calum hood?

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Due to Blake's hectic schedule, the thought of informing Natalia of her impending date with Luke had completely slipped her mind. This explained why she was sitting on the couch in the tour bus, parked in the back lot of the venue in Amsterdam, waiting impatiently for Natalia to answer her Skype call. The girl always seemed to forget about time zones, but Natalia was an early riser and was most likely wide awake.

"Hey!" Natalia answered, her voice as chipper as ever.

"Hey," Blake mimicked, shooting the girl a friendly smile. "Where's Marvel?" She questioned, deeply missing the cat that she hadn't been with in over a month. Although she loved touring, she was beyond excited to go back to Los Angeles for several weeks in July during the band's break and spend some time at home.

Natalia rolled her eyes as she laughed, but stood up from the camera's frame to retrieve the small, orange cat. Several moments later, she returned with him and Blake pouted her bottom lip at the adorable sight — just as she always did.

"He's so cute," the black haired girl cooed. "Tell him I miss him."

"He can hear you."

"Tell him anyway."

Natalia rolled her eyes once more. "So, how was Paris?" She inquired, genuine curiosity sparkling in her soft green eyes as she continued to pet Marvel, who was sitting peacefully on her lap. "What did you guys do?"

The girl leaned back on the unexpectedly comfortable couch, crossing her arms over her chest. "It was actually really fun," she smiled, thankful that she was the only one occupying the bus at the moment — although she was unsure of where everyone was. "We just walked around, really; did some shopping. We did see the Eiffel Tower, which was really cool."

"Did you get some photos?"

"Of course I did."

Natalia laughed. "Once you finish editing them, send them to me. I wanna see."

Blake nodded her head. "Yeah, okay." There was a brief pause between what she had said and what she wanted to say, although Natalia couldn't have known any better. "Luke asked me out."

"Wait, what? I'm sorry, I don't think I heard that correctly."

"You did," Blake confirmed quietly, picking at the skin around her green-painted nails. "We went to dinner and, well, long story short, he asked me out on a date."

Natalia's mouth hung open in shock, and it soon grew into an eager smile. "What did you say? For the love of God, Blake, please tell me you said yes."

"I did say yes."

"Blake! Fuck, this is amazing. You're going on a date! With Luke! Wow, this might be the best day of my life," Natalia enthused, excitement washing over her features as she emphatically waved her hands through the air.

Laughing, Blake tangled her fingers through her straight hair. "I'm — I'm excited," she spoke softly, a nervous smile playing on her lips.

The last thing that she expected to happen was to be asked out by Luke. It completely extinguished her fear of him not liking her back — why would he ask me out if he didn't like me? — leaving her with a simmering excitement and an eager anticipation.

"He seems like a good guy," Natalia confidently stated. "I'm excited for you."

Blake nodded in agreement, sending her friend a grateful smile. "So, how are you? Anything exciting going on?" She asked after a short bout of silence, feeling somewhat guilty about only discussing her work and personal life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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