13. an actual, real life rockstar

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After arriving in Glasgow, Blake spent the majority of the following day sleeping. Traveling for twenty nine hours straight was physically exhausting, and she was very behind on her rest due to her difficulty sleeping on airplanes.

On the first flight, Luke had spent almost two hours sitting beside her. He had fallen asleep about halfway through the movie, his head leaning on her shoulder. Part of her hoped that Myles would let him stay once he saw the slumbered state he was in, but he had woken the blond up and sent him back to his initial seat — despite Blake's hushed protests.

It was now their third day in Glasgow. She and Myles were stationed in his hotel room, their photography equipment and laptops unsystematically scattered around the room as they finalized the editing for the footage obtained at the Australian shows.

"Are you almost done?"

Myles glanced up from his laptop as he sat crisscross on the bed, black framed glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. "Just about."

"I'm bored," she complained as she spun around in the desk chair, lazily tossing her head back. "We should go do something fun."


She groaned loudly, pausing her spinning to look at him. "Come on, Myles. It's rare to have free time like this. We usually always spend it editing."

"That is quite literally our job."

"But we're almost done, and there's no more footage to edit. We might as well scour the city for something fun to do." Myles remained silent and kept his eyes intently focused on the screen in front of him. Blake rolled her eyes before shutting her laptop. "Fine, I'll go by myself."

"Go wild, Sawyer. The world is your oyster."

"Don't mock me."

As she packed up her equipment, her persistent, halfhearted pleas for Myles to join her continued. She was completely aware that he wouldn't change his mind, but she knew that it would annoy him, so she did it anyway.

After several profanity-filled comments (most coming from Myles), Blake was walking across the hall to her own hotel room. She sat at the edge of the unmade bed and pondered the different things she could while venturing through the city.

It took her just over an hour to get ready, but once she was, she collected her belongings before throwing them in her purse and leaving her room. There was a part of her that wished Myles had tagged along, simply because he was missing out of the joys of acting as a tourist. Although, this was Myles' fourth time in Glasgow and he wasn't really the tourist type.

Blake wandered along the sidewalk, taking in the sights of the city with a look of awe twinkling in her bright, hazel eyes. She hauled her camera with her, taking many moments to capture images if the opportunity prevailed. This was one of the first times she was actually able to explore the country in which they were visiting. In Australia, she spent most of her down time with her eyes glued to her laptop screen, so exploring the shops that lined the streets was very thrilling for her.

Several different shops caught her eye and she left everyone with an item, no matter how small the purchase. She bought an I heart Glasgow t-shirt for Natalia, because the girl was always looking to collect the cheesy article of clothing. She also bought a cute little cat toy for Marvel, as well as a few random items for herself — including a new camera bag, as she had yet to buy one.

After several hours of walking, and stopping for lunch, Blake made her way back to the hotel. There was a decent sized bar just a block away, the sight immediately grabbing her attention.

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