19. late birthday present

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"You should ask her," Ashton suggested, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed. He and Luke were sitting in a secluded corner of a coffee shop in Belfast, sipping on their iced drinks and engaging in casual conversation. It was day one of their two day break, and Ashton managed to drag Luke to a small coffee house down the street from their hotel.

"I know, but I probably won't," the blond sighed out, using his index finger to aimlessly push the cup around on the dark wooden table, a small puddle forming due to the condensation.

Giving him a quizzical look, Ashton took a sip of his coffee before putting the cup down. "Okay, you need to do something before it's too late."

"What do you mean too late? We still have five months of tour."

"That's exactly my point," the black haired boy stated. "You're gonna be together for the next five months — use this time to get to know her, and actually hang out," he pressed.

Luke wasn't sure what was stopping him. Perhaps it was simply the nerves of asking a pretty girl out, or the fact that she was incredibly intimidating, despite him already knowing her. Texting the girl was no problem — he'd been doing it long before she knew what he looked like, and in a twisted sort of way, it still almost felt like that. It was easier than talking face to face.

"I'm just nervous," he admitted quietly, focusing on the table rather than his friend who was eyeing him intently. "I know she likes me, she wouldn't talk to me if she didn't. But, I like where we're at, you know? A-And I don't wanna ruin it by trying for more."

"But," Ashton began, tilting his head. "What if she wants more and is waiting for you to do something?"

"Then I would tell her to ask me out because I'm too nervous for this."

His friend let out a quiet, breathy laugh. "Hey, man. Worst case scenario, she turns you down and you have to be super awkward and uncomfortable around her until September."

Luke's mouth turned downward into a dubious frown. "That literally is the worst case scenario, Ash."

The boy simply shrugged. "All I'm saying is that you need to use this time wisely. Who knows what's gonna happen after the tour ends."

Why is he always right? "I know," he muttered. "So what should I do?"

"Ask her," his friend repeated.

Luke pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth, nervously chewing on it as he contemplated his options. "That's so bold, though," he spoke softly, concern evident in his tone. "Like, she's very forward. She would straight up tell me no and I would probably cry."

Ashton's loud laugh echoed through the somewhat empty café, gaining the attention of the barista behind the counter. "I've seen you guys talk, and I've read your texts. She—"

"Wait, when have you read our texts?" Luke questioned, suddenly concerned as to how his friend gained access to that information.

Shrugging, the black haired boy took his cup from the table. "Your brightness is always up all the way — and you're not exactly secretive about it. Don't worry, I haven't seen any weird dick pics."

"I haven't sent any weird dick pics," he mumbled.

"Anyway," Ashton continued, completely dismissing the prior sentence. "There's no way she would say no. She puts up with your tacky jokes, so she must like you."

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