Mikuo And Lenka

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Mikuo : Italic + Underline
Lenka : Bold + Underline
Len : Bold + Italic

When Miku run away,

"You call me just because you had fight with Miku-chan?"

"... And I want to make up to you."

"Sigh... You know what? You're hopeless, Mikuo-kun. I hate you since the beginning."

"... Then why you accept me?"

"Pity. I pity you."

"But love can grow from pity."


"Am I right?"

"I hate to admit it, but you are absolutely wrong."

"No. I'm never wrong."

"Then, prove it to me. Prove that you aren't wrong!"



"Open the door, please."

"What door?"

"Your door house, which else, honey?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Fine. Banana girl."

"You stupid Leek boy!"

"Knock... Knock... Open the door, please?"

"No. I won't."


'It's weird... This is weird... What happen to the forceful Mikuo?'

"Uh... Are you okay?"

"I am fine, banana girl :)."

"Uh... Then I'm going to end this call... If there's nothing you wanna talk about..."

"... Hey."


"... Just want you to know, I'm sorry for what I've done. I'm such an egoistic boyfriend and over-posessive... Sorry to make you cry and sad. Sorry for being so stu-"

"Stop talking like this. What happen actually?"

"I just realize I never ever say it clearly..."


"I love you so much. Even when you said you're just pitying me..."

"Uh? Um hey... I'm kidding about that part... Hey... What happen, actually?"

"I'm a jerk and now I'm atonishing my sins."


"I've just realize. I never really treasure someone I care, I never treasure my sister, my beloved girlfriend and even my life."

"That's... Kind of true... He-hey..."


"Where are you, now?"

"Basement. *Wha-*"

"What?!! Why are you there?"

"Atonishing sins."

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