Chapter 17

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Jimin's POV

After the day that we talked with the manager about the fact that we got no clue about what we are supposed to do everyone has changed.

Especially since she hired a music teacher we all have been practising especially  Taehyung and Jungkookie. Yoongi hyung, on the other hand, passes more of his time at his studio. He seems to be really serious when it comes to music. I was getting worried since I doubted and still doubt that he gets enough sleep but Namjoon hyung said that he is an adult he knows what's the best for him.

''Oh, Manager!Hello.''I heard Seokjin hyung saying and I get off my bed. Our manager since that day she visits us every day to check how are we and probably the state of the dorm.

I got downstairs. In the living room, they were all the other guys except  Yoongi hyung.

''Guys,how's the songwriting going,- huh? Where's Yoongi?''She asked looking around.

''Ah...''I was ready to answer but I didn't even know what to say.

The same goes for the others too. How can we tell her that Yoongi spent his days in the studio?

We all fall silent and looked towards a certain room. The studio which for days was firmly shut.

''Yoongi's in there?''She asked even though it sounded more like a statement.''He should be out here with the rest of you...''

''No!!!''Seokjin hyung shout and we all rushed to stop her for opening the door.''You can't go in there.''.He continued. ''Don't even think about it...''

''What do you mean?''

''That room...''Seokjin hyung said putting on a serious face.''That's the lair of the composing MACHINE YOONGI-BOT.Beyond that door...Min Yoongi doesn't exist. Yoongi-bot doesn't answer when you talk to him. Doesn't laugh when you tell him jokes.'' Well, Yoongi hyung doesn't laugh at your jokes anyway...Neither the others now that I think about it. ''It's..eerie''

''He's such a perfectionist that he won't even share what he's working on until it's done.''Hoseok hyung added. ''I'm DYING of curiosity!''Well me too.

Right? How does he expect us to write if he won't even give us a beat...''Namjoon sighs.

''It's been 3 WHOLE DAYS since he barricaded himself in there and told us to leave him alone'' Taehyung joined the conversation. He said it a bit overdramatic but he had a point.

Manager looked surprised. ''Three days?What about food?

''What this.''Seokjin hyung said all I knew what he is up to.

He places a dish of dumplings in front of the door and knocks.

The door cracks open and Yoongi's pale hand emerges to drag the plate into the room. The same happens for the last 3 days. 

''What did I just watch...?''She said. I know right?Yesterday Taehyung told me that it's like a zombie movie. Can't really argue that.

''He needs to get some sun and eat more than dumplings! This isn't healthy...''Jungkookie said with a serious face even though when Taehyung made the comment about the zombie he made noises that reminded me of Seokjin's hyung laugh. As one person with windshield laugh isn't enough.

But it's true that Yoongi hyung has to get out of there. It's definitely not healthy...


I knock on the door to announce my presence before I walk into the room.

Like I know that he is a workaholic but's too much!

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