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Anika has been acting weird these couple weeks, more precisely, since that party we went to with the boys.
I've been trying to brush it off  and process, at the same time, the fact that Zabdiel was the one that broke her to pieces, and she clearly has feelings for him still. I need to sort things out and make sure she's into this relationship as she was before.

I was walking towards her apartment, minding my own damn business and preparing my speech, when I realized, I was standing in front of her bulding door. I pressed the button to her doorbell and almost instantly the door opened.

I was already inside her apartment, and as she went to grab us a drink I paced around her living room.

'Anika we need to talk' I sat in the spfa and she followed my move and did the same, with a concerned look in her eyes. My heart was beating fast, and at each beat it got tighter and tighter. 'I'm just going to be straight and ask the question that has been hauting me for weeks...Do you still have feelings for Zabdiel?' I noticed the way that she got unconfortable with my question and by that I already knew the answer...

'I might have feelings for him still, but I know, with my heart that I want to be with you' Probably she was telling the truth, probly she wasn't, but it hurted like hell.

'Are you with me to foget about him?' I saw hurt in her face, she got up and walked around the room

'Are you kidding me? You really think that?'

'Yes, I do. I love you with all my heart nena, pero I see the way you look at him, and the way you act around him. You've been acting weird since that party, you mind telling me what happened there?' She had tears in her eyes, not gonna lie, I had tears in mines too. I was the one that was there when she cried at night because she missed him, she never told me the whole story, neither the fact that she had a miscarriage. I was held in the dark about this situation and I didn't mind, but the only thing thay broke me, was the fact that one of the people that I trusted my life with was th one that made her go through all of that. I still could not believe that Zabdiel could have done such things to an amazing girl, yet he did and there she is still loving him...

'I...Zabdiel apologized for what he did to me'

'And let me guess, you forgave him?' She stood silent, and Immediately I knew that she did forgave him 'How can you say you love me and want to be with me, when you forgave the man that cheated on you when you were at the lowest in your life?'

'BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!' She yelled at me, she never yelled, in the nearly two years that I've known her, she never yelled at me nor anybody... ' He was my first boyfriend, he... he could have been the father of my first child, he was my first in many, many things, do you really expected me to forget about him so easily? Eventhough he hurted me, made me feel like crap and made me hate and blame myself, I still love him... but what I said is true... I want to be with you, you were my anchor when I needed the most and I own that to you' At this point both of us were crying, and I was heartbroken in so many ways.

'It's over Anika, for as much as I love and care about you, you need to sort your life and your feelings out, and I can't keep telling myself that I love you and that that's a reason for me to stay with you, and watch you groing your feelings toward my friend. I'm sorry, but I need to look after myself first' I grabbed my jacket and stormed out of her apartment.


It has been almost four months since Richard and I broke up, four months since I've seen him, the only way I can know how he's doing is through Joel, who still lives next to me. Joel has been advising me about this whole situation and I can see that he is mad at me for playing with Richard's feelings like that, but the thing is... I wasn't playing with his feelings, or maybe I was, unconsciously, after I saw Zabdiel again... right now I am at work, in the diner next to my apartment. I work so I could save some money, so I can go to college and get a degree in Creative Writing or maybe English Literature. I've been passionate about books and writing, for as long as I can remember.

°°° 4 years Ago °°°

'Nena, tengo una sorpresa para ti'  I turned around as I heard Zabdiel's voice behind me.

'You know I hate surprises, what is it?' I tried to peek behind his back, but he moved right on time and got as far from me as he could, but still got the thing behind his back out. It was a book and a notebook? '¿Que es eso?' My spanish came out with a very accentuated accent, since I was still learning spanish with Zabdiel.

'Bueno, es un libro para que tu leas y un cuaderno para que tu escribas tus historias. Yo se como te encanta escribir y se que un dia vas a ser una escritora famosa y yo voy a estar a tu lado, siempre.
Te amo con todo mi corazón nena.
Feliz Cumpleaños'

°°° Present day °°°

' C'mon Nika! Alfred is here already and if he catches you without doing anything you'll have to deal with him'  My co-worker, Emma, warned me aboutour boss, sometimes he can really get on my nerves and I just got the nerves to take my apron off and quit this job, but then I remember I have to pay for rent and bill and save for college.

I finally got home and I was tired as ever.

'Anika, is that you?' I saw Chloe, one of the girls I share my apartment with, coming into the living room 'There was a boy here, he asked for you, but since I didn't knew him, I told him you were not here and I didn't knew when you would be back' It could have not been Richard because Chloe and Sophie knew him.

'Did he said his name?' She has her thinking face on, I sat in the sofa for a while before I went to take a shower, I closed my eyes for a bit, so I could rest

'It was kind of a weird name, I never heard that in my life...Zaridel or something, I don't know' I opened my eyes as fast as I heard the assassination of his name, but Zabdiel was here?

'Was it Zabdiel?'

'Yes,that was his name. He was hot tho, do you know him?'

'Yeah...yeah I do... Did he left or said something?' I was now up and ready to go in the shower

'Nop, he just said that he would try to reach you again...'

My heart was beating faster than it ever beated, what in the hell did we want?


I am so sorry for not updating sooner, but I had a small block, but everything is fine now ( i guess....)

This was quite a chapter. Richard really had his last straw with Anika and I understand him and I hope that she has her feelings sorted out and that she knows what she wants, specially now that Zabdiel chased after her (screaming inside)!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for your support ❤


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