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Me and Zabdiel have been "dating" for almost a month now, and it hurts him to not be able to tell this to his best friends. We agreed to take things slow and most important, a secret, but just for a while.

This week is Joel's birthday and he invited me to go over to his house and stay there with him and the rest of the guys. It will be a bit awkward since I haven't seen them in almost half a year and the fact that I nearly broke the friendship between two of them, but still, Joel said everything would be fine and that Chris and Erick's girlfriends would be there too, so I wasn't going to be alone all night, since me and Zabdiel will be acting like we don't cuddle next door almost every night.

Currently I am at work, serving food to an older couple. The way they acted with each other warmed my heart and made me.wish for me and Zabdiel to grow this old together.

'There you go, Enjoy your food' I said woth the biggest smile I could give them and they returned it to me.
I got behind the counter and started to clean some stuff, when a notification sound from my phone sounded, I looked around to see if Alfred was near and checked it real quick. It was a message from Chloe to bring dinner home, since neither Sophie or her wanted to make dinner, lazy ass girls, but who was I to talk when I didn't want to make dinner myself. I responded to her text with an ok and asked for the orders and put the phone back in my pocket.

It's Joel's Birthday and I decide to go over to his house earlier, I had everything I needed and if I didn't it wpuld not matter anyways, since I live across to him. I knocked on his door and after a minute, he opened it revealing his smile to me.

'Happy birthday Joel' I said almost jumping to him and gave him a bear hug, he soon replied to my hug and eventually I let go of him 'Do you need help with anything?'

'Actually yes, I already have dinner half way done, if you want to help with what is missing' I left my things in the hanger that he has next to his door and went back to the kitchen to help him out. 'Anika, can I make you a question?'

'Well you already did' I joked with him as I started to set the table ready 'but go on'

'Are you and Zabdiel a thing again?' I froze, and thank the gods that I was with my back turned to him

'No, we are not, why you ask?' I hated lying, specially to those I love, and in the past months me and Joel have been growing really close, eventhough we don't spend much time together due to our responsabilities.

'Out of curiosity and the fact that I saw him leaving your apartment yesterday morning' Holy fucking cow.... ok ok breath... Think of an excuse and you'll be fine.

'Please don't tell him that you know, we both agreed to keep it low key until we find out if rich was okay with it and also, we are taking things slow and that's why he didn't told you guys, because he wants to know what happens between us first' I was venting and cursing myself for spelling everything out to him

'I KNEW IT! I didn't saw him leave your apartment, but I saw a text from you saying that "the key was under the mat" on his phone the other day and I figured it out' I was with my mouth opened to the floor, this stupid boy played me

'You...you little asshole' I ran, almost, to his side and punched his arm 'Please don't tell anyone , just until we figure this whole thing out again' I said as O made gestures with my hands

'Don't you worry Nika I won't tell, and it's not even my place to do so, you guys do your things at your own pace, but please' He turned to me and grabbed my hands 'Please be careful, I don't want neither of you getting hurt again' I gave Joel a small smile and got back to set the table.

'How did you and Zabdiel met?' I realised I never asked neither of them, or the other guys, how they all met and now I am curious about that.

'I met Zabdiel in the intership, we were both from the same major, but we never talked to each other. Since that day we have been inseperable.' I gave him a smile and said nothing more. I was satisfied with the answer he gave me and that made me a bit happier knowing Zabdiel and Joel were close.

We were having a drinking game, since Erick aka the life of the whole party, had the great idea to play never have I ever with shots of pure vodka and tequila. This boy must like adrenaline in his veins...

'C'mon guys, let's get this straight, someone will say never have I ever blah blah blah' The way that he said blah blah blah, made the whole room crack a laugh, including him 'Okay, let me finish, when someone says that, and if you have done that thing you drink, if you refuse to drink you'll drink two shots or face a dare' were these the rules? I was not sure...

'Mentiroso, esas no son las reglas y tu lo sabes' Chris said to him with a funny face on, where he pretended to be serious but wanted to laugh

'Las reglas son como yo quiero, porque soy el menor y punto' Someone's bossy 'Chris, you'll start' Now I was nervous.

'Alright, let me see.... Never have I ever danced naked on a pool party' Someone is the defenition of "living la vida loca". I looked around to see who was the wild spirit, only to be surprised when I saw Joel taking the shot.

'No, you?' I was laughing my ass off, I have to be honest, I would never thought of Joel dancing naked, imagine dancing naked in a party. He just nodded his head and tried to hold his laugh, but it was now his turn to ask.

'Venga... Never have I ever, sneaked out of my house to meet with a boy' Oh that was a low one, but I was surprised to see Anna grab a shot too, so I raised the small cup in the air and she did the same, drinking the content as fast as I could.

'Do you want to ask the question?' I askes Anna and she nodded a no with her head. Fuck, I wasn't good at this, to be honest, I only joined for the drinks, but now that Im here.... I didn't knew what to ask, until it came to my mind...

'Never have I ever gotten a crush on a teacher' This was an Ice breaker between me and Richard, as I saw him with a big smile and drinking his shot

'You play dirty Anika, but anyway.... Never have I haver eaten food that I found in a random place' All heads shoot in Chris direction, which made the boy laugh as loud as he could

'I DID THAT AND I WOULD DO THAT AGAIN IF I COULD, NO SHAME HERE!! FOOD IS FOOD' I made a gag sound and after laughing a bit, I looked up only to see Zabdiel looking at me with a soft smile, that made me melt inside. Once I turned the look away from him, I saw Richard looking at both of us, and it broke me a bit, because he probably understood what was happening.

There it goes the idea of keeping it on the low....



Now I want Zabdiel and Anila to be happy and live their life together, I really think that he's sorry for what he did.

Do you think that they will be "official" soon?

-SavingR ❤

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