Chapter 1: Responsability

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Y/N POV - Guild Room

I was tasked by the goddes herself to take care of some monster that spawned in a village at the border of Tari

My name is Y/N, no last name because i was an orphan since my young age

I started to work for the guild at the age of 14, and at 18 i gained a title called "the strongest hunter" or something like that

I wasn't that strong, it's all thanks to my ability. I could see what my opponent in the next minute

But let's talk about that another time okay?

I took my motorcycle and go to the village

After a few minute of riding, i feel something was wrong

I hurried and see something horrific

The village was attacked by monster, but it wasn't anything i was told about

I was asked to kill some dogoo and an ancient dragon, no a f*cking army of Ancient Dragon!

There were at least 300 hundred of them, it's going to be difficult

I took my phone and called the Goddess

Blue Heart: What is it

Y/N: There is a change in the plan, it's not some dogoo but a full army of Ancient Dragon! Did you knew about it?!

Blue Heart: Yeah, but i thought it wouldn't be too hard for "the strongest hunter"

Y/N: Rei, i swear that if there is casualities, i will f*cking kill you

B.H: Like hell you can ever beat me

She hang up, leaving me in a state of anger

Y/N: Now then, it's time to do some kill

I rushed at the army, trying my best to lead them away from the village

Timeskip - Y/N POV

After i killed all the dragon, i returned to the village and looked for survivors

I found 2 kids, a boy and a girl, there where 8 years old each

I told them to stay here, while the help is coming

After help comes, i was about to return to the city, but i heard someone yell

???: Please! Help us!

I ran to where it comes, and see a woman, with 4 baby

They were in a house that was still in fire

Y/N: I'm going to save you, don't move!

I cut the door, and ran to where she were

I managed to get out the baby without injuries, but the woman was badly hurt, and couldn't do anything

Y/N: Don't worry miss, the help is going to come soon!

???: Please, take care of this 4 child, they have no parent

Y/N: I swear, but what's your name?!

???: My ...... name ...... is ...... Arf.........

She closed her eyes, letting me know she died

In a rush of rage, i used yamato to stop all the fire in the village

I was looking down at her body, and decided to burry her

After it was done, i was cut off my thoughts by some cry

It was one of the baby

She had purple hair and was crying

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