Chapter 8: Human, but still the strongest

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I was pointing my sword at Magic, and she seems more anxious than before

Magic: You think that you can beat us?

Y/N: I know for sure that i can beat your ass with my eyes closed so yeah

Judge: I will kill you!

I turned around, and see Judge charging at me

I sigh and did my special move

Y/N: Secret move....

I appeared behind Judge, and silent filled the air

Y/N: The fury of the dragon!

Judge explode, without a scream from him

The other 2 were shocked, and Magic seems more and more nervous

I turned to them, and smiled

Y/N: Now, who is next?

Trick charged at me, and send me his tongue

I dodged it and punch him in the gut

He was stunned so i took this chance, and enter his inside

He started to twitch, before i came out of his back, blood raining everywhere

That was that moment that Magic knew who i was, by the look of shock she had

Magic: H-How? You were supposed to be dead against the goddess of Tari!

Y/N: That's what book says, but not what the truth wrote

Brave: Magic, who is he?

Magic: He was in the history book, he fought alone Tari, and killed it's goddess. He was supposed to be dead, but now he is here, and he is much more of a problem than the goddess

Y/N: Are you done yet?

Magic: From now, we need to trouble his mind, so we can have a chance

Brave: Right

Magic: Tell me

Y/N: What? Any last word?

Magic: Why don't you apply the "trust" like the goddess did? Why not trust someone?

Y/N: Trust?

Magic: *Thinking* It's working

Change POV to Narrator

The energy of Y/N skyrocketed, shocking Brave and Magic

It also wake up the CPU, as they could see Y/N in front of them

CPU: Dad.....

Y/N: Trust means nothing.....

His muscle grow bigger as he looked angry

Y/N: Only ultimate strength means when i have to save my daughter!

His energy explode, making the Graveyard goes on fire

Magic and Brave have to cover their eyes, as they couldn't see Y/N

The fire in front of them vanished, as they could see Y/N, barechest, but his power was so great, it could be equal to the deity of sin

Y/N: I will make you pay for what you did to them....

He charged at Brave and punched him in the gut, sending him a few feet away

He didn't stop as he charged an energy ball in his right hand, before punching it to Brave

The explosion killed him instantly, as Y/N turned to Magic

Magic: You freak of power!

She charged at him, as he dodged her attack, and tell her a few words

Y/N: It's over....

He punched her with an energy filled punch, making her spit a lot of blood

Y/N made his way to his daughter, before hearing Magic laughing

Magic: You're a fool..... The goddess Arfoire will be back in a week, and that will be the end of Gameindustry

Y/N: Die already....

He sent a beam at her, killing her in the process

(stop the ost)

Y/N: Now, onto the real matter

He looked at the unconscious CPU, and had a sad look

Y/N: I guess i have to see her again huh?

Timeskip - Neptune POV

I woke up, but this time not in the Graveyard, but in my bed

I looked at my left and could see the other CPU sleeping

What happened? All i remember is a dream where dad was fighting ASIC to save us....

I got out of the bed, and walked to the kitchen to eat some pudding

As i walked out of my room, i could hear some talk

???: You know that what you did was reckless, right?

???: Yes, and i don't care, if it means saving them

I walked to where the voice came from, and could see Histoire and


They turned around, and smiled

Y/N: Good morning sleepyhead

Histoire: Hello Neptune, it have been so long since i last saw you

Neptune: Histoire, what happened?

Histoire: Well, as always, your father did something reckless and saved you ans your sister from ASIC

Neptune: A-Alone?

Histoire: *sigh* Like i said, something reckless

I couldn't hold myself, as i rush to dad and hug him

Y/N: Hey, don't worry it's over now

Neptune: I'm sorry...

Y/N: For what?

Neptune: I learned what happened before you were bannished

Y/N: And what happened?

Neptune: One of my guard framed you for attacking him and IF, as he made fake injury

Y/N: Oh? That guy? I remember he was trying to act cool and all of that just to kick me out of the tower

IF and Compa exit the kitchen, and smiled at me

IF: It's been so long Nep

Neptune: IF, Compa!

I rushed to them and hugged them too

It's been so long since i have that feeling

The feeling of being at home


Yeah, short chapter, because the next one is going to be a long one

Gameindustry have 5 days left before the deity of sin appear

Will Y/N fight against her alone, or let his children come with him?

Find out in the next chapter: No matter what

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