Chapter 3: A father Fury

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8 years after - Y/N POV

It's been 8 years since Mark called me, and things are getting harder and harder

The guild have stopped calling me, but come to my work place to ask me directly

I always refused kindly, but they won't understand

When the director is coming , they always go, and say they won't give up

Because of that, parents are losing trust in the school and don't want their children to be raised when hunters are around

The director said it's my fault and if something like that happened again, i am fired

I had so much anger inside, but didn't show it, in case it would be used against me

I took the decision to go and talk with the guild master, so he would leave me alone

As i enter the guild, i could see the hall are empty

No one, even at the bar, not a single person in there

It's weird, because hunter always say they have a great number of hunter and all of this

I walked into the master office, and knocked on the door

Master: Come in!

Well, at least the guild master didn't change

I entered the room, and when he saw my face, he was beyond happy

Master: Y/N! It's good to see you again!

Y/N: Yeah, been a while since i came here

Master: Come in! I will give you a drink

Y/N: No thank you, i'm here just for something quick

Master: And what is that?

He is nervous, like, he is scared or something

Y/N: Some of your men came to my work place and keep harrassing me to come back to the guild

Master: Yeah, i told them to do that

Y/N: And that's exactly why i'm here. Stop sending your men there, or i will have to take action

The aura becomes heavy, with just this sentence

Master: Oh?

Y/N: Your men are scaring the children, and that's no good for them

Master: I don't care, you were the best hunter that Gameindustry know, and will ever know in it's story

Your a living legend, you also gained a title after that fight you did against the army of Ancient dragon

Y/N: And what is it?

Master: "The man with the power of ten million"

Y/N: Seems pretty cool

Master: Pretty cool? Your title can keep at bay ANY ennemy of Tari in check! Everyone is scared of your power

Y/N: I could see, by the way you are still holding your sword, even when you were "happy" to see me

He tensed, but still had a smile on his face

Master: Hey, it's not that, you never know when you can be attacked

Y/N: Just like how your men are waiting behind the door to attack me when i drop my guard

As i said that, twelve hunter came into the office, their weapon pointed at me, but they were trembling

Y/N: Now....

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