Chapter 2: Family life

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8 Year after the adoption - Y/N POV

It's been 8 years since i take this 4 with me

I became a teacher at Tari Elementary school, and i was appreciated for my kind attitude and my calm, no matter what the situation is

It was difficult to raise the girls, and be a teacher, but i managed

With the help of Histoire, i could raise the girl, and after all, she have some experience with kids

Neptune liked Histoire so much, but not as much as she liked me

Duh, i'm her father after all

Sometime, i was called by the guild so i can be a hunter again, but i always declined and told them i have a job already

It was morning and the girl were still slepping, except Noire

She was the only one who woke up, 30 minute after me, so she could help me

I was happy that she wanted to help at such a young age, but i was worried about her sleep time

As we made Breakfast, Noire asked me something

Noire: Hey daddy?

Y/N: Yes sweetie?

Noire: What was your job before you become a teacher?

Y/N: I was working for the goddess

Noire: Really?! That's so cool!

Y/N: *chuckle* Maybe one day, i will be working for you

Noire: B-But, i don't know if i can be a goddess someday

Y/N: I don't think you can....

She had a sad look and looked down

Y/N: I know you can

She looked at me, shocked, but a smile forming in her face

Noire: R-Really?!

Y/N: Of course! You just need to be determined and want to do the right thing for your people

Noire: But i don't know how to fight....

Y/N: When the time comes, i will train you and your sister

Noire: Really?!

Y/N: Yup!

Noire: Yay! Daddy your the best!

Y/N: *chuckle* Thanks sweetie

I ruffled her hair as she giggled

After we finished Breakfast, Neptune Blanc and Vert woke up and came to eat

N/V/B: Good morning Daddy!

Y/N: Good morning! Did you 3 sleep well?

Neptune: Yup! Like a baby!

Blanc: It was really comfy..

Vert: But i would have wanted to stay up to play some games....

Neptune: Yeah me too!

Blanc: But Histoire don't want us to play too much....

Y/N: Oh yeah, today is my day off, so no worry about Histoire, she won't be here today

N/V/B: Really?!

Y/N: Yeah

N/V/B: Yay!

Y/N: Now, go on and eat before it's cold

N/V/B: Okay!

Y/N: You too Noire

Noire: B-But i want to help!

Y/N: And how do you want to help if your stomach is empty?

Noire: U-Umm.....

Y/N: Don't worry, i will go slow so you can help

Noire: Okay! Thanks Daddy!

She went with her sister and started to eat

I looked at them, a smile on my face, knowing they will become great woman

As i cleaned the dishes, i got a call 

Y/N: Hello?

???: If it isn't the "strongest hunter"

Y/N: Yeah you can stop the act Mark, i know it's you

Mark: Damn i knew i should have done the batman voice

Y/N: You sounds like a dogoo when you do itt

Mark: At least it's better than yours

Y/N: So, what do you want?

Mark: Rei is starting to lose popularity with the citizen

I became serious 

Y/N: How do you know?

Mark: Protest is starting to come in the nation, if it stay that rates, in 10 years, it would be over for her

Y/N: And why do you tell me?

Mark: Because they will need someone to lead the revolution 

Y/N: I told you, i stopped fighting a long time ago

Mark: But think about it! If Rei falls, Tari fall too, so a new goddess will appear!

Y/N: I said, no

Mark: *sigh* I leave you to think, but remember, it's not for us, but for the future

He hang up as i sigh

I told him i stopped fighting, but he don't want to listen to me

I punched the wall, in a rush of anger

Blanc: D-daddy? Are you okay?

I turned around, met with the scared look of my daughter

Y/N: O-Oh! It's nothing, i thought i saw a spider so i killed it, but i think i did go a little to hard on the punch

Vert & Neptune: Eeek! A spider!

They ran to their room, and hide in their bed

I laughed at their reaction

Noire: Daddy?

Y/N: Yes Sweetie?

Noire: What weapon did you used before?

Y/N: Oh! I used a katana, but it's hidden so you don't hurt yourself with it

Noire: Oh.....

She had a sad look on her face, so i decided to cheer her up

Y/N: When we will train, i will show you

Noire: Yay!

She cheered with Blanc, who was still with her

These four trully are the light of my light

AND DONE, Yup a short one, because the serious thing is going to start next chapter

Even though they live a happy family life, there is always something who will try to break this family

And this thing, can make real damage

Next Chapter: The fury of a Father

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