Chapter 10: Neptune is gone?! Still no rest for a father

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It's been 4 month since the defeat of ASIC

All frame against me was gone, and i was able to go back into the nation

I was doing groceries in Planeptune before i was called by Histoire

Y/N: Hello?

Histoire: Y/N, can you come at the Planeptower fast?

Y/N: Did Neptune set the kitchen on fire again?

Histoire: No, she dissapeared

I let go of the groceries and run to the tower

Neptune dissapeared?

Guess i will not have any rest again


I was in the main room, trying to calm down Nepgear, who was worried sick about Neptune

Nepgear: Where is she? How could she dissapeared like that? She need me i have to go!

Y/N: Nepgear calm down, worrying will not resolve the problem

Nepgear: Right, sorry...

Y/N: Histoire, something new?

Histoire: No, nothing, i can't find her in all of Gameindustry

I was thinking, before i looked at something on the ground, and it looked like a stone

Y/N: Hey, what is this?

Both: Huh?

I took the stone, as it started to glow, as a portal appeared

Y/N: Woah!

Both: Y/N!

I got sucked into the portal, as it closed behind

After a few minute, i could see i was in the air, above a temple or something

I was thinking about a landing strategy before i had an idea

A few feet before i could touch the ground, i used the kamehameha on the ground, stopping my fall, before i landed safe

Y/N: Damn i hope i don't have to do that again

I started to walk into the temple, before i heard fighting noise

I approched it, and could see a gothic woman, in front of a CPU?

And behind her, was Neptune and Noire?!

Gothic lady: I, Arfoire, will make you pay for what you did to me!

???: You are a persistent one, i will have fun to break you

Neptune: Plutie, let us help too

Noire: Yes! We are CPU too, so we have to do it too!

Plutie?: Well, i could let you, if there weren't that guy, hidden behind that rock

She managed to sense me? She is truly good

Neptune: Show yourself!

Noire: Or you will face the wrath of the CPU!

Y/N: What is the wrath of the CPU....

I revealed myself, as everyone was shocked to see me

Y/N: In front of a parent anger?

Neptune: D-Dad?!

Y/N: The one and only

Neptune: But ho-!

Noire: Dad!

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