Chapter 6: A father wish

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Histoire dropped the bomb, leaving the candidate and IF shocked, as they turned to me

IF + Candidate: You did what?!

Y/N: I fought an entire nation, no biggie

IF: No biggie?! You fought a nation with thousand of peoples, with a CPU, alone, and you're still alive! That's the greatest achivement a human can do!

Y/N: Nah, that was nothing really, just some fight

Histoire: Just some fight? They were One hundred thousand to fight you, and you beat them all. So i don't think it's just some fight


Twins: Scary.....

Nepgear: B-But, why did you fought Tari?

Y/N: Easy, to give the girls a better future

4 CPU: Dad....

Y/N: I didn't want them to live in a place like i did all of my life. I wanted them to achieve their full potential, and the only way was to stop Tari once and for all

Histoire: Yes, the way Tari treated their civilians was way different than now. It was full of fear, even for the Hunter.

IF: Damn, so dad had to grow on a place like that?

Y/N: Yup, but he was one stubborn guy.  No matter what i did, he still clinged to me.

Histoire: You two were like brother at those days

Y/N: Yeah, he got into trouble, while i cleaned his mess

Histoire giggled, memory of me punching a man face after he pushed Mark.

Histoire: Yes, but you where kind, no matter what you did.

Y/N: Yep

Nepgear: Excuse me, sir Y/N

Y/N: Y/N alone is fine

Nepgear: Oh okay, then Y/N, you said you wanted to give our big sister a better future, but what was your dream?

Y/N: My dream....


We could see a little Y/N cleaning with Histoire

Histoire: Say, Y/N, what is your dream?

Y/N: It's easy! I want-!

*Flashback end*

Vert: Dad!

Y/N: Huh?

Everyone was looking at me, worried

Y/N: *sigh* I'm fine, don't worry

I stand up and walked to the elevator

Y/N: I just came by to see if you all were good, and since i see what i wanted to see, i go home

Neptune: Already?!

Y/N: Yes, but, if you want to come by my house, you know where it is.

The door closed, leaving sad CPU, and a thinking Histoire

Narrator POV

The CPU were a little sad that their father have to go so soon, after 20 years. But they have to show no weakness, because of the little sister

Histoire was still thinking about something, and IF noticed it

IF: Is something the matter, miss Histoire?

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