Chapter 7: No rest for a father

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3 years later - Y/N POV

It's been 3 years since i've been banished from the 4 nation, and i can't stop thinking about my daughter

What if they got captured? What if they are in need for help?

What if they....

No! I must no think about that

The monster spawning have increased so much since 3 years ago

And a weird Island appeared in the middle of Gameindustry

It was full of death vibe, but it looked like Tari

I decided to explore it, even though i didn't have my sword with me

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I decided to explore it, even though i didn't have my sword with me

I walked to the center of the island and could hear some rambling

Y/N: What's happening?

I walked to where the sound come from, and see a giant robot fighting IF

I walked to where the sound come from, and see a giant robot fighting IF

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She was sent flying in a matter of seconds, so i decided to take action

The robot was about to deal the finishing blow, but i rushed at him and tried to kick him in the face

He managed to block it, but it still send him a few feet away

???: Who are you?

Y/N: Why should i say my name, if you're not telling me to?

???: Don't get too cocky, it was just a lucky shot

Y/N: Well, if it was a lucky shot....

I did a "come on" hand gesture to him, a smile on my face

Y/N: How about we find out

He rushed at me, and tried to hit me with his sword, but i dodged his hit

He was slow, but i don't know if i can beat him with IF here

IF: Y/N! We need your help!

Y/N: For what?!

IF: Save the CPU!

My eyes widened, and in a rush of anger, i sent the robot flying, and turned to where IF was pointing

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