Chapter 5: Meeting the Candidate

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A/N: I'm taking a break from Wattpad, for 2 two days, so won't be uploading any book since then


It been 20 years since the defeat of Rei Ryghts and the fall of Tari

4 nation appeared

Planeptune lead by Neptune
Lastation lead by Noire
Leanbox lead by Vert
Lowee lead by Blanc

Since then, they became "ally", even though they are sister basically...

They didn't came to see me once in 20 years, it kinda maked me sad, but i understand that they were busy because of their goddess du-

Aaaand Histoire sent me a text that tells me they have been playing games for the past week

Okay, now they have a lecture incomming, and not a nice one

Timeskip - Planeptower

I texted Histoire to told her i was coming and let the guard know of it

She said she already took the lead and some people will wait for me

As i enter the Planeptower, i could see guard looking at me, but didn't care

And one of them is coming my way, and he seems cocky

Guard: Hey old man, what are you doing here?
(A/N: Forget to say that right now you're 60 years old)

Y/N: The oracle called me, so i came as fast as i could

Guard: We didn't get any message about it, get lost

Y/N: Or what?

Guard: You will be in an hospital bed soon

Y/N: Yeah sure get out the way

I pushed him and he didn't liked it

Guard: Now you're in it!

???: What's going on here?!

We turned around and was met with a girl with brown hair and a long coat


IF if i'm not wrong

Guard: Miss! This old man tried to enter without a pass, so i tried to reason him and told him to leave, but he wouldn't understand

Y/N: Yeah sure, like how you told me i would be in an hospital bed soon?

Guard: Why you!

IF: Enough!

The guard tensed, while i was still cool

IF: Mister, i would like you to leave, if you don't have a pass, you can't enter the Planeptower

Is she serious? Well, i will play the bad guy to see what she have in the guts

Y/N: Yeah, no i have a meeting fight now, so sorry

I tried to pass her, but she stopped me with her weapon

IF: Last chance

Y/N: Try me

She swung her dagger at me, but i stopped it with my leg

IF: What?

She jumped back, and try to analyze me

Y/N: Is that all? Come on

She rushed back at me, and did one of her special move

And it was the same move that Mark learned from me

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