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Mew looked down at his watch, wondering where Gulf was. It was already eight, and the younger boy should've arrived by now for his usual take out at the cafe. He didn't know when it began, but he started to develop a habit of waiting for Gulf at the cafe and sitting down to have a conversation with him before the two headed to university.

It was a normal routine for them, yet for the first time since they started the routine, Gulf was late. Very late. Okay, it was a bit of an exaggeration saying Gulf has never been late before. There had been previous times when the younger boy couldn't make it due to being sick, or running slightly late, but he had always made sure to send Mew texts informing him of his reasons. Unlike now, where he sat alone, with no new notification whatsoever.

"Can I get a BLT bagel, but with basil as well?" a soft voice asked, earning Mew's attention. The order was a unique one, one he's only heard gulf ask for due to his love for basil. He found himself looking at a younger girl, most likely a freshman. He furrowed his brows, finding her to look familiar, yet couldn't place his finger on it.

"Oh, and orange juice," she added, making Mew all the more curious. Her order was exactly what Gulf ordered in the morning, were he to be here. He shifted his attention back to his phone, went to Gulf's contact, and rang it through. His frown deepened when he was sent through a voicemail. Just as he was about to call once more, he was met with a message.


N'Gulf ⚽: Sorry, will be busy for a couple of days. You don't have to wait on me during the morning anymore

P'Mew 🐼: Ow, for how long?

N'Gulf ⚽: Not sure

Mew felt himself growing impatient with Gulf's replies, finding something about it to be off. Others may think he was overreacting, and was being overly sensitive due to his break up from two weeks ago. Yet something was telling him there was something going on with his precious Nong. Gulf had been acting strange ever since around the time he and Jeed ended their relationship, and while he couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly, it worried him.

Gulf was more closed off than he usually was, and would often avoid his attempts to hug, or touch him - a strange occurrence as the younger one had never done so before. He smiled and laughed, less, too. While Gulf has always let out smiles, or laughed his breathy laughs, when given a reason to, it was as though nothing could truly make him smile and laugh now.

He tried his best, and wanted his Nong to return to normal. Yet the more he tried to push him into smiling, the more he saw how more closed off Gulf became. The younger boy was also on his phone more often than he usually was, seemingly texting someone unknown to them.

He sighed, feeling all the more stressed and frustrated about how the month was going. Standing up and grabbing the order he got for Gulf, having been worried the younger wouldn't have time to order it on time, and left - unaware of the gaze being thrown his way.

"He's hot," Love said, passing Gulf his order. "And seemed to have gotten your order for you."

Gulf raised his brow, swallowing back the lump forming in his throat and nodded, offering her a small thank you.

Love looked at her older cousin, worried for him. He was struggling, a lot, with ignoring his crush.

And she could see why. When he summarized the way they would spend time together, or communicate over the phone on a daily basis, it made her gape. It was no wonder her cousin kept falling and had a hard time out.

The two were nearly conjoined by the hips with how big of a presence they were in each other's life, just as how she used to follow Gulf around nearly 24/7. It would've been 25/7 had it not been for her being younger and having to attend different schools. Luckily she grew out of it and knew when to give him space.

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