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Gulf followed Mew to his car. He heard Mew humming to himself habitually, an action that brought a smile to his face.

He tried so hard not to miss Mew, and to get used to the idea of having him out of his life. Yet, here he was, now dating him. The idea still seemed so surreal to him, he would believe it was dreaming a fever dream if not for the very real sensation of his heart beating against his chest.

This was going to be either an experience that curses him, or blessed him. Either way, whatever was coming next, was surely going to be an unpredictable experience.

"Phi," he called out, just for the sake of it. "Hmm?" Mew answered him, turning to face him with a smile on his face. He reached out, picking at Gulf's hair, "You have some fluff in your hair."

"Can we get something to eat?" Gulf asked, feeling his stomach growl and ignoring the way there wasn't a trace of fluff in Mew's grasp when he pulled his hand away.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked, knowing the answer when he saw the big grin on Gulf's face. He merely shook his head and chuckled, knowing exactly where to go for food.

"Can this count as our first date?"

Mew choked on the water he was drinking. He grabbed a pair of napkins to wipe the water that spilled from his mouth. A breathless laugh escaped from Gulf, "You okay, Phi?"

He nodded, looking directly at Gulf and found himself with an equal smile. "As long as you don't mind that it's not planned out to be special."

"Ow, anytime with you is special." The way the words glided out of Gulf's mouth surprised Mew and made him flustered.

The pure sincerity was unlike anything he's experienced before with his previous partners, and left him rendered speechless. He could only pick up the egg on his plate and place it on Gulf's plate as a way to counter his shyness and to move onto another conversation.

One thing for sure, he was definitely going to cherish the day and mark it down as their first ever date with one another.

"You're what now?" Love sputtered out, her eyes wide and her grip on the fork tightening. Having expected she was going to react in such a way, he gave her a lopsided smile.

"I'm dating P'Mew now," he repeated. There was a moment of silence while Love set down the fork onto her plate and leaned slightly back into her chair. She looked at her cousin, trying to see if he was joking.

He loved joking after all. Ever since they were young, he would always find a way to slide jokes or puns into their everyday conversation. But she knew better than to think that was the case now since he was never one to lie or talk lightly about dating. Peering at his facial expression, she sighed.

"I-You'll be okay?" she wanted to make sure that the choice wasn't one that would later come back to haunt him.

She understood just how deeply in love her cousin was in love with the senior with their recent interaction regarding the said individual. It was the first time she had seen him so love-struck, and while it was indeed a happy occasion, it was also worrying. Heartbreaks were some of the most painful things to have to go through, and sometimes the longest pain to overcome.

Gulf merely chuckled at how his younger cousin was acting like the older one and nodded. "I'll be fine. Even if in the end it doesn't work least I'll have one less regret."Though that didn't assure the prevention of another regret forming.

Oblivious to what her cousin was truly feeling and thinking, she nodded and returned to her meal.


"Is this how it's going to be?" Mild huffed, crossing his arms. Gun and Mew looked up at him, "What?"

Mild raised his arms in an exaggerated motion towards Mew, "You and Gulf! The two of you were ignoring each other for who knows how long and, then suddenly you two are being all buddy-buddy again."

Mew shrugged, understanding where Mild was coming from. He and Gulf were once again seen speaking to one another and being their usual selves with one another.

The only difference was they now were in a hidden relationship and tried to hide it by not being as touchy despite how much they yearned to be as close as possible. Mostly on his part.

He was known to be a touchy individual, especially to those he was in a relationship with - constantly hugging them and showering them with kisses.

It was Gulf who requested for them to keep a secret for now, and while he wasn't one to normally do secret relationships, he understood Gulf most likely had his doubts. In the first place, he did make it seem like he asked out Gulf due to pity.

"We made up," was all he said before turning back to the menu before him.

Despite wanting to say more, Mild quickly shut his mouth when he saw Gulf emerging through the doors, a girl latching onto him. He scratched his neck in a confused manner, his actions not going unnoticed by his two friends. They turned around, locking eyes on the view that made him confused.

Mew found himself feeling a great deal of anger at the sight of Love holding onto Gulf in such an affectionate manner - laughing and happily talking to him in a way that made them seem so much like a couple. It should be him and Gulf, not Love and Gulf. He swallows back the bitterness, surprised by how possessive he already was despite it not being long since they started to date.

Feeling the tension from Mew, Gun observed the situation closely. He and Mild watched Mew get up and strut over to the two younger ones who had just finished speaking to the waitress and were about to be escorted to an empty table.

"Gulf," Mew called out. He pulled onto his boyfriend's free arm in a gentle manner, making Love loosen her grip. She looked at the two in a mysterious and knowing expression - one Mew wasn't sure he liked -, before a smile etching onto her face. "Oh. It seems we have a jealous boyfriend here, P'Gulf."

Her words made Gulf turn a deep shade of red while Mew looked at them in confusion. He turned to Gulf, feeling conflicted. On one hand he was angry that Gulf was hanging out so closely to someone else. But on the other, he felt proud Gulf had willingly and openly told someone else about their relationship.

"You told her?" he asked. He couldn't resist smiling at the thought of Gulf making it clear he was in a relationship - that they were in a relationship. Anyone who knew Gulf knew he wasn't one to open up about such topics unless asked or cornered into talking about it. Heck, it took him a half a year to hear anything about Gulf's ex, and he barely had gotten any information about it.

He pulled away, and trailed his hand down to hold onto Gulf's warm ones. Mild who was watching from afar gaped and got ready to get up but was stopped by Gun who grabbed onto his arm and motioned for him to sit back down.

"We'll ask in a bit," he said, making Mild pout and reluctantly sit back down in his seat while he continued to watch from afar.

"Of course he told me," Love snickered, deciding it was best to properly introduce herself and not cause any future misunderstanding like in the lakorns she was used to watching. "I'm one of his best friend and his favourite cousin."

The waitress who was showing them the way shut her mouth tight and looked between them, deciding it was best to move away and let the three handle the situation on their own. All the while she found herself screaming internally at how she witnessed a live hot bl couple in front of her.

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