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Mew looked down at his ringing phone. He contemplated whether or not he should answer the phone when he saw Gun's name flashing on the screen. Putting down the documents in his hand, he answered.

"Are you mad about the girl?" Gun asked, the moment the call went through. Mew furrowed his brows, "What?"

"The reason you and Gulf have been fighting is because of the girl he's been hanging out with, right?" Gun had initially wanted to ask when he saw Mew in person, but found himself too restless to wait until the next morning. So he decided to make the call and get straight to it.

Mew clenched the phone, his jaw dropping slightly. "What girl?" He asked, his voice raw with anger. He didn't know why, but the thought of Gulf being with another girl set bothered him greatly.

Gun shut his mouth. He wondered if he had just made the situation worse. He assumed the reason for his two friends fighting was due to the new girl yet Mew clearly didn't know anything about.

Seeing as Gun didn't answer, Mew hung up. He got up, grabbing a jacket and his keys as he left his condo, not bothering to change out of his shorts and t-shirt.

He cursed at the busy traffic. The moment he got to the steps of Gulf's door, he began to bang loudly and rapidly, not caring about the disturbance he was causing.

Gulf, who had been quietly studying, jolted at the sound. He quickly rushed to the door, wondering who it was.

The moment Gulf opened the door, Mew pushed himself in and closed the door. Gulf looked at the furious senior in alarm, backing away against the wall. "Phi-"

"Is she the reason?" He growled, slamming his hand against the wall, and next to Gulf's head. "Is the reason you're ignoring me because of a girl?"


"Don't lie to me!" Mew snapped. "I heard you've been hanging out with a girl recently. Tell me, is she the reason? Did she tell you to stop hanging out with me-"

"Enough!" Gulf ordered, raising his voice despite it being unlike him. Even if he had a slight temper himself, he rarely ever raised his voice as he had just done. Mew went silent, looking at Gulf's expression. He stepped back slightly, retracting his arm when he realised he acted irrationally and on impulse.

Gulf ran his finger through his hair. He had a feeling Mew was referring to Love yet was too tired to clarify who she was.

"Just go," he said, feeling bad when he saw the hurt on Mew's face. But he remained solid in his order and waited for his senior to leave.

"Not until you tell me why you've been ignoring me, Gulf," Mew insisted. "If it's because you think I won't approve of your relationship or something -"

"-It's not because of anyone, Mew," Gulf clenched his jaw, wondering where and how Mew was coming to such misunderstandings in the first place. He hadn't been with Love in any locations Mew could see them at. So he had no idea how Mew caught winds of it. He balled his fists, truly wishing for Mew to leave before he lost control of his emotions.

"Then why have you been ignoring me? I thought we were friends-"

"Because I like you!" Gulf finally shouted out, his eyes stinging. Mew calling them friends struck a chord in him, making him release his true feelings. This wasn't how he expected to let the truth come to light, but it was too late to back out. "I have liked you, for three years now, Mew! And I'm tired of it. So, please, just leave me alone."

With that said, Gulf decided to take matters into his own hands, and opened the door - pushing the bewildered Mew out the door at the best of his abilities. Once he closed the door and locked it, Gulf slid down on the floor, covering his face as he felt his tears run down. He had done it. He officially ruined the last bit of their remaining friendship by confessing his true feelings. But he was tired. So tired.

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