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Mild was confused. "Okay," he scratched his head, looking up from his phone. "What's going on with Mew and Gulf?"

Boat and Kaownah looked up at him. They each individually shrugged, just as lost and unsure as Mild was on the matter.

"Why?" Kaownah asked, "Is Mew posting sad quotes again?"

"Yeah," Mild nodded, passing his phone over for his two friends to see. "I'm getting concerned. This is the longest I've seen Mew and Gulf go without talking. At all. They usually make up within a day or two, no matter the fight or arguments. Yet, it's been nearly a week."

"I mean, Gulf said he was busy..."

"Yeah. Two weeks ago," Kaownah reminded Boat, making the latter close his mouth shut.

Kaownah frowned, looking over the quote,"But they seemed fine for a bit just a week ago even though Gulf claimed he was "busy." They had exchanged a few words, so what could've possibly happened this time?"

Mild titled his head, scrunching his brows as he took back his phone and went over the sad quote once more. "Gun and Off don't know what's going on either, and Gun is usually the first to know anything," Mild bit down on his lips.

"Let's leave it be for now," Kaownah suggested. "If it goes on for another week then we'll step in."

Mild nodded, despite having a bad feeling about the whole ordeal. The three shifted back to their studying, trying to forget about their two confusing friends.

Mew tried his best to smile. Off had gone behind his back and set him up for a blind date without his consent. And now he was stuck sitting across from a hyperactive boy who just won't seem to shut up. It had been nearly an hour since they were seated together, and Mew only managed to utter out one sentence.

The whole time, he has mostly been nodding his head, acting like he was interested in the conversation, and drinking water. He didn't even have the appetite because of how much his surprised date talked. He shifted his eyes, feeling his mouth run dry when he met eyes with Gulf's, who abruptly turned away.

It had been nearly a week since they last said anything to each other. He tried to be the bigger person, because he knew he had been acting petty for ignoring Gulf in the first place for not showing up at the cafe, and tried to draw them back into their usual routine.

Yet, a clear wall had been built by Gulf. No matter how hard he tried, he was met with awkwardness; something he had never experienced with the younger boy before since the first day they met.

Gulf was sent on an errand by Love, who was experiencing pain from her monthly time, and demanded her older cousin bought her sweets. He walked in, finding his heart dropping once more when he saw Mew clearly on a date. It was painful to bear with, especially when he recalled Mew saying he should take a break from relationships. And now, just a little over a month, Mew was already back on the track of forming yet another cute individual to date.

It was a good thing he was starting to distance himself, or the foolish him would've tried to make a move despite having nearly no chance whatsoever.

The moment their eyes met, he turned away. He gulped, quickly making his order and tapping his foot impatiently for the winter to hand over the bag of sweets so he could leave the scene as fast as possible. He let out a puff of air as he walked out the cafe and made his way to his car, frustrated by how much pain he was in.

It seemed as though being away from Mew hurt just as bad as being by his side. Just when he unlocked the car, a hand grabbed his forearm, stopping him from opening the door and getting in. He turned around, finding himself face to face with Mew.

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