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Review on Clandestine by sisofthedevils

(Sorry, my wattpad is having some problems, I haven't been able to upload the cover of your book, that's what caused the delay in publishing, I will edit this, once it's started working.)

Two contract marriages and four hearts with clandestine secrets. One common intention brings them together,the death of Harley Fordson.


This is beautiful, I have noticed you use this type of art for your book covers and it's really amazing. Though the same thing I told you in your other book, no need for the @ written beside the author's name.


Your blurb was quite nice and well detailed, but well, this is a sequel and I didn't actually finish reading your first book, if I did, I think I would have understood better. But I think your readers who are following your book will.


So, I didn't know the meaning of Clandestine, but we learn new words everyday, I didn't even have to look up the world, your blurb gave me an idea of what it actually meant. I think it's pretty creative of you, nice choice.


This was nicely done, I hardly spotted any grammatical errors and your punctuation was beautifully present where they should be.

Though, remember when a statement follows a dialoue tag, it ends with a comma not a full stop.

"We have a proposed for two of you." He said.

Should be a comma, not a fullstop and I think you meant proposal.

Apart from this, I didn't notice any much.


Your description was beautiful, it could use more, but it's good enough.

I don't really have much to say on this part though, you could do better, but what you have laid down already is beautiful.


I don't use combine this together, but this is a sequel, the second part of the book and I don't really know much about your characters or the event that may be happening. The same thing I said in the blurb, the people who are following your book may understand better though.

Also, be careful not to input names of people who don't have a goal to the book to avoid confusion.

I would say more, but well, the book started in chapter 46, I don't really understand much, sorry.

You have a beautiful book, keep up the nice work.


This review is to help you and nothing more, wishing you the best.

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