Chapter 3

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I woke with a start, the harsh sound of my alarm clock piecing my ears. I groaned rolling over to aim a sleepy hit in the direction of the alarm.

I couldn't say I really wanted to get up, because, you see, it was Monday morning. There was nothing really exciting about starting a new school. I would have to try and find a group to fit in with, and I wasn't the most sociable person. I always stood out of the crowd, my tastes are not really those of an ordinary girl, of any age. I guess you can say I was quite a tomboy, but not enough to pass as a guy. I actually did shower, and use deodorant.

My thoughts were disrupted by the door bursting open, and mum entered with a tray of steaming bacon and eggs.

"Good morning Sunshine!" She said cheerily, laying the tray on my lap. It was un-usual for her to make me a warm breakfast, let alone serve it to me in bed. I guess she was trying to make up for the whole moving schools thing. But I'm not complaining.

"G'morning mum." I gave her the best smile I could muster, before half heartedly digging into my breakfast. Her face fell, but I knew she was aware of what was up.

"I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly," She tried to sound confident but I recognised the falter in her voice.

"Mum, when has school ever gone perfectly?" I commented, shoving the rest of the bacon into my mouth. She hesitated, giving me a grim smile.

"But maybe this will be different." She said hopefully. I got up and headed to the bathroom.

"Doubt it." I mumbled to myself, staring at my reflection in the mirror before turning away in disgust. I was definitely not an early morning person.

After half an hour of fussing and applying makeup, I was finally satisfied with my reflection.

"Honey! We have to go, I have a job interview at 8:30." Mum called from the kitchen. I sighed and headed out. Most of the boxes were unpacked, but you could still see a few in the corner of most rooms. The bird song outside was too cheerful for my liking. How could anyone be happy on this depressing day? Who actually wants to go to school?

As we pulled up in front of the school, my mouth fell open in shock. The gates were plated in gold, behind it a very well kept lawn lined with trimmed hedges. The school building itself was massive and very expensive looking. The yard was full of uniformed students. It was a high school only, which I was thankful for, but how could I fit in here?

"Isn't this a school for... rich people?" I inquired, not moving my gaze from the busy front yard. I could easily pick out the different groups of students, and their different tastes, though I couldn't see little miss princess and her followers.

"Well, the school fees are not cheap, but they have a very high Uni reputation." Mum looked just as shocked as I was. I guess she wasn't expecting something so grand either. I had done an online interview to the school before we moved, using Skype. The principle looked normal enough. They had accepted me not long after, and were excited to hear my musical talent, and welcome me to their soccer team.

Mum hugged me goodbye and I ventured in through the huge gates. Students chatter could be heard loud and clear. I studied them as I passed, but was careful to not make too much eye contact.

A group that you would call "Band Geeks" were sitting under a tree, practising their instruments. Though I loved playing guitar, I didn't think I would fit in with them, I was a more... Solo girl.

The next group I passed was the Goths or Scene girls. Most of them had brightly coloured hair and very heavy makeup. Though I liked colouring my hair and makeup, they seemed too dark and depressing for me. Attention seekers really.

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