Chapter 7

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"This is your house?" I stared at the massive building. It was almost as big as the school, with the same well kept lawns and trimmed hedges. There was two expensive looking cars parked in front of the garage doors. The house looked top notch from the outside, and I was curious to see if the inside was the same.

"Sure is." Jai said, grinning at me. The guys had invited me over to play some video games with them after school. I had been excited all day, and hardly managed to keep up with my work.

"His family is rich." Jake added teasingly. He was rewarded by a sharp jab in the ribs by Jai's elbow. We all laughed before following Jai in through the massive front door and into the kitchen where his mother greeted us.

"Hey boys! How was school?" She asked, kissing Jai on the head, to his embarrassment. Then her eyes fell on me. "Who's girl is this fine one?"

"I'm Skye," I said before any of the guys could answer her. "I'm a gamer, so Jai invited me over to join them in a few matches." 

"Well then, have fun." She replied, winking at me. The guys led me upstairs before Jai's mother could say anything else to embarrass him.

Jai's room was huge. The walls were covered in gaming and music posters, along with a few "poster girl" ones, which was to be expected of a teenage guy. His bed was a nice spacey king size, pushed up against the far wall, under a nice sized window which looked over the front lawn. From what I could see, he had a walk in wardrobe and private bathroom. On the wall near the door, was mounted a huge flat screen TV. Underneath was every gaming console you could possibly buy. Next to the TV was a huge self filled with every imaginable game.

All the guys piled in and took their seats on the scattered bean bags or bed. I took the opportunity to study them all. There were 7 guys all together, and I had gotten to know them pretty well. Though there weren't many of them, they were all friendly and talkative. 

Except one guy, Blake. He seemed to keep to himself a lot, content with staying out of conversations and just watching his surroundings, or drowning the racket out with music. Though what surprised me most was the fact that he would still sit with us, and still come places with us. He seemed cold, and wouldn't talk much, which made me all the more determined to talk to him.

Jake took a spot on the bed, his brown hair ruffled up. He was pretty tall, with deep brown eyes. From what I've heard, he was captain of the soccer team. He was the school prefect, so I guessed a straight A student. All the girls were after him, and he currently went out with Whitney. Why he chose her, I will never understad. Probably because she's popular.

Travis sat next to him on the bed, pushing Jake to try and get more room. His light blond hair was reflecting sunlight from the window behind the bed on which he was seated. His side fringe falling in his face as he shoved Jake further across the bed.

I dodged a stray pillow from Reece. He had always been shy at school, but he sure opened up outside those "prison" gates. His red hair was well kept at school, but again, now he let loose and his fringe was all over his face.

The pillow had obviously been aimed at Isaac standing next to me, but had accidentally headed towards my head.

I watched as Jai, Reece and Sammy fought over the remaining Xbox controllers. Travis and Jake had both claimed one as soon as we had all burst into Jai's room.

"Skye, how about you pick who gets to use the 2 controllers?" Sammy finally concluded, handing me both. Sammy was a softy, and it wasn't often that he would get into fights, he was usually a peacekeeper. 

I took both controllers and glanced around the room at the beady eyes. 

"Well... I want to show you guys what I'm made of, so I'll use one, and the other..." I hesitated, eyes falling on Blake. He was watching me intently, but his ears where plugged with headphones. Whether he could hear me or not, I wasn't sure.

"Blake. Do you want to play?" The room erupted in protests, which then turned to warnings.

"Skye, Blake never plays. We ask him every time but he won't join in." Reece explained. By the way they where all acting, you would think the controllers where big meat steaks and they were hungry dogs.

"Give me the controller." Blake mumbled, putting his phone away and reaching out for it. The room fell silent and all eyes where aimed at Blake.

"B-but you never-" Jai started, but was quickly cut off by Blake.

"I said I'll play."

Blake got up and motioned for Jai to get off the sofa. I sat down next to him and Jai put in Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 for us.

One question that had been on my mind since it had happened, was why had the guys been so pleased with the fact that I had slapped that girl in the Cafeteria.

"Hey guys, why were you all so excited when I slapped that girl?" I asked, killing Travis with a headshot. Blake and I had teamed up, leaving Travis and Jake together, and we were winning by a long shot.

"She isn't the nicest of girls," Sammy answered, glancing at me.

"Isn't the nicest? Sarah is a total bitch to the whole school. She's worse than Whitney- No offence Jake." Travis added, killing Blake for the first time this Match. 

"None taken," Jake replied, high-fiving Travis for the kill.

"Why do you even go out with her?" I asked, half distracted by the game.

"Because she's hot, duuhhh." Isaac smirked from his seat at Jai's desk. I glanced at Jake who was shooting Isaac dagger-like looks.

"She's not the same person when we're alone..."Jake mumbled, trying to focus on the game.

Before anyone else could add anything my mobile rang. Glancing at the caller ID I recognised it as my mother's mobile.

"Sorry guys, I have to take this." I chucked my controller to Reece and walked into the hallway to answer the call.

"Skye, is that you?" She asked. I could hear the worry in her voice, but kept calm for her sake.

"Yes mum, it's me. Whats up?"

"We lost the court case over Brooke. John has full custardy of her. God knows how he's going to treat her." Her voice began to choke and there was a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Mum, don't worry about it. I'll come home soon and give her a call, ok?" She thanked me and hung up.

"Who was that?" Sammy asked when I re-entered Jai's room.

"It was just mum, she needs me to come home. Sorry guys." I answered, picking up my bag and heading for the door. They all looked disappointed.

"Can't you finish the game?" Reece pleaded, offering me the controller I had tossed him.

"Sorry, but I have to go. I'll see you guys tomorrow at school, ok?" They nodded and said their goodbyes.

"Skye! Don't forget about Soccer tryouts tomorrow after school." Jake yelled behind me as I took the steps two at a time.

Shit, I had almost forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2012 ⏰

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