Chapter 6

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Anger flared through my body, and I glared at the girl who had thrown the food. She and her group snickered at me, but their faces fell when I stormed over to them.

"You think because I'm new, that it's acceptable to bully me?" I spat. She was now staring at me with wide eyes, but I could see no regret in them. What I did next, I never thought I would ever do. I slapped her; hard. Though it felt good, I knew it felt the opposite for her as she yelped in pain.

What surprised me even more, was the up roar of cheering from the guys table. They were clapping and cheering, and before I knew it I was surrounded by them all, congratulating me and hugging me. I was very confused. I just slapped a girl, and they're proud of me?

The cheering subsided when Principle Burkley entered the cafeteria, and headed straight for me.

"Miss Sanders, to my office now." Her words where sharp, and I cringed. I didn't really regret slapping that bitch, but I think my mum would make me regret it when she heard about it.

 I trudged out of the cafeteria behind Principle Burkley, pulling more lumps of potato from my hair and face. I never understood bullies, why did they get so much out of seeing others in physical or mental pain?

We reached her office and she pointed to the same chair I had sat in just yesterday morning when she had welcomed me to the school. I took my seat and studied her face intently. She displayed no emotion what so ever, so I had no idea what to expect, all I knew was I'd be in trouble.

"Skye, that kind of behaviour is not acceptable in this school." She glanced at me before facing the papers on her desk again.

"But she threw po-" I went to argue, but Principle Burkley cut me off.

"I know what she did, and she won't be going un-punished. But slapping someone is not the answer." I hung my head. At least the girl would be getting punished too.

"I should really suspend you," my eyes grew wide in shock. Suspend me? I had never been in trouble my entire life, and after 2 days at a new school, I was about to get suspended. "But since it's only your second day, I'll let you go with a warning. I am also going to send you to the school counsellor for the next few days, during lunch."

Relief flooded through my body and I relaxed my shoulders. Though my punishment wasn't harsh, I knew it would still be enough to upset Anna, my adopted mum. I didn't really want to see a counsellor though, but I thought it might eventually help me, not just with this one problem.

I nodded my agreement and she ushered me out the door to my next class. I had Music next, and went straight to the classroom, forgetting totally about my bag I had left in the cafeteria. Class had already started, but Principle Burkley had given me a note, excusing me for being late.

I opened the door as quietly as possible, but the whole class, including the teacher were staring at me. I gave them an awkward smile and went to take the spare seat.

The music teacher put her hand out and stopped me. "Miss Sanders, where is you bag?" It was then that I noticed the absence of my bag on my shoulder. My face went bright red in embarrassment and I started to stutter something about leaving it in the cafeteria.

"Mrs. Oakley, Skye's bag is just here, at her desk." A guy spoke up from the back of the classroom, a grin on his face. Mrs. Oakley didn't speak for a moment, but let me through, and I took my seat. The boy that had spoken up was Jai. We had talked a lot that morning before class, a long with the rest of the guys.

He was tall, and his messy hair was died pitch black, quite like mine. He was obviously one of the sporty guys, it showed quite well.

"Thanks Jai." I whispered, pulling out my Music work book from my bag.

"I figured you'd forget, the first visit to the Principles office is always a shaking experience," He gave me a kind smile, writing notes down in his book.

"How did you know it was my first time?" I asked, studying his expression. 

"It's easy to read the emotions on your face, you know." He looked amused, a glint in his eye.

"Miss Sanders, Mr Briggs, pay attention please." Mrs Oakley ordered from the front of the class.

I have to say, music class was pretty fun. Mrs Oakley gave us all an assignment to learn Invincible by Hedley on our chosen instruments. We had a week to practise as much as we could. Of course, I wouldn't find it very difficult to learn it on the guitar. I had been playing the guitar since I was six, and never put it down for more than a week.

One more class left until we were excused to go home. I was pretty drained from today's activities, and having science next wasn't particularly helpful to keep myself awake. Though I was a good student, science was not me thing. I always did well enough to pass the subject, but I had no hope of becoming something science based.

In today's lesson, we had the task of figuring out gravity in different circumstances. Somehow I had actually managed to stay awake and get my work done. The bell rang and the students all piled into the hall way, desperate to get home.

I was half out of it while I packed up my stuff, I didn't even notice the bunch of guys waiting for at the door, let alone calling me.

"Skye?" Jake's words finally reached my ears.

"Sorry?" They burst out laughing and I gave them a sheepish smile.

"We wanted to know if you were up for a game of COD or something at Jai's place." Jeremy explained. As much as I would have loved to join them in a game, I knew I had to get home to help mum out.

"Sorry, I need to get home. Maybe another day?" I felt like I knew them all so well already, and it had only been one day. Their faces fell, but they understood.

"Cya tomorrow, then?" Jake asked, giving me a brotherly hug. I nodded and walked with them to the school gates, before making my way home, to the broken down cottage.

"Hey mum!" I called, closing the front door and putting my bag on my desk chair. When  heard no reply, I went to investigate. Mum was sitting on the Sofa, clutching her Tea and staring vaguely at the wall across the room. "Mum?"

She turned to face me, and it was obvious that she had been crying. Her eyes where red and puffy, and her cheeks stained with tears.

"Oh, sorry honey, I didn't hear you come in." She hastily wiped her eyes and mustered a smile.

"What's wrong?" I sat down next to her and snuggled up. She wrapped an arm around me and took a sip of her tea. She didn't cry very often, and I hated to see her upset.

"The Newspaper didn't want to take my job application. I have no idea how I'm going to get a job. But it's best not to worry you with that." I knew Anna loved journalism, and writing had been her life. She used to work for a very successful Newspaper before we moved.

"They don't know talent if it slapped them in the face." I stated bitterly. I was rewarded by a laugh from mum.

"Thanks Skye." She squeezed my shoulder tightly.

"Speaking of slaps... I um, might have slapped a girl at school today." I knew it wasn't the best time to add more stuff into mums pile of worries, but I couldn't lie to her. She stared at me with a blank expression before asking;


"She threw mash potato in my face at lunch, I couldn't help it." I was ready for her lecture, or the disappointment in her eyes. She laughed. I sat there staring at her with a confused look, but she just continued to laugh.

"Sorry Skye, but I'm just picturing you with mash potato on your face, then going up to slap her like a mash potato monster. You should know better than to slap a girl, but that's damn funny!"

Well that was unexpected.

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