Chapter 5

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To be honest with you, I didn't really want to get out of the car when we pulled up in front of the school gates. Anxiety had got the better of me, and I could feel a panic attack coming on, but I took deep breaths to calm my nerves.

"Have a great day honey, just like yesterday!" Mum gave me the biggest smile, but I found it hard to return it. Just like yesterday. Yesterday hadn't been a good day, but she didn't know that.

Plucking up my courage, I got out of the car, waving goodbye before going to face a new school day. The groups were very much the same as yesterday, except today Jake stood conversing with the rest of the guys.

"Skye! Come on over and meet the guys." Jake shouted to me as I made my way over. There weren't too many guys at this school, but there was enough to form a large sized group.

"Hey Jake." I said when I reached the group. He smiled and made a space in the circle for me to stand.

"This is Skye. She's new, and had a rough day with Whitney yesterday, so I thought she could hang out with us today."

The guys all smiled at me and murmured there greetings. I was getting a little bit uncomfortable, but they were quick to get rid if the silence.

"So who's got the new COD Blops 2?" A tall thin looking guy asked. There were a few replies, and my mouth decided to blurt something out, without my minds permission.

"I bought it on Sunday, but I haven't had time to play it yet." They all turned to stare at me. I blushed and was about to apologise for speaking when one of them spoke up.

"You play COD?" He had a look of surprise on his face, as if he hadn't heard me right. Well, they all had that look really.

"Yeah, but I play other video games too." I replied, sounding as confident about myself as I could. There was a moment if utter silence before nearly all of them began to say something at once.

"Marry me." Was what I could make out from most of them. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Maybe I would fit in with them.

Whitney must have been listening in on our convocation because she spoke up from behind me.

"We'll I play video games too." This time it was the guys turn to burst out laughing.

"You? Playing video games? CLASSIC!" One of them said.

"You'd be too scared of breaking a nail on the controller." Another chimed in.

"But I do play them!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, and what game would that be? Barbies?" That started another round of laughing, and I couldn't help but join in.

"No! I play... The one with... Like guns and stuff." It was easy to tell she was making it up, trying to get some attention, so I decided to test her.

"Oh, I know which one you're talking about. Terraria!" I said, smiling at her.

"Yes! That one!" I swear we all couldn't breathe after that, we were laughing that hard. She scowled at me, finally figuring out I had done. She left in a huff, and I tried to catch my breath.

"Nice one Skye." Jake said, also trying to catch his breath. Things settled down and we talked about games until the bell rang.

Unfortunately, we had to keep the same seats throughout the whole term, which meant I was stuck next to Whitney.

But on the plus side, a guy named Travis was sitting at the desk on my other side, and he was nice. I recognised him from this morning.

He had short blond hair with a nicely cut side fringe. He had strong facial features but a really kind smile. Like most of the guys, he let his tie hang loose, rather than choking himself with it. He must have noticed me studying him because looked up from his English work and smiled at me.

The bell rang, and this time I hadn't expected it at all. Time had gone too fast. I was half way through my work when everyone jumped up and ran for the door. When the room had cleared, Mr Hues came over and leant against my desk.

"Did you bring me a story?" I saw the twinkle of excitement in his eye. I couldn't help but grin at his eagerness when I pulled the note book from my bag.

"Enjoy." I said, handing him the book. He took it without hesitation and started skimming through the pages.

"Coming Skye?" I didn't even realise Travis and Jeremy waiting for me at the door. Jeremy was the clown of the group, he always knew how to get a laugh out of everyone. He was pretty tall, with pitch black hair and green eyes, not unlike mine.

"Yeah i'm coming. See you tomorrow Mr. Hues." He mumbled his goodbye, too caught up in my story to reply properly.

The cafeteria smelt just as good as yesterday, and I was starving. My stomach let out an embarrassing growl which gave the two guys a good laugh. We grabbed some pasta and a juice popper. I was about to head to the empty table I had sat at yesterday, but stopped in my tracks when Jeremy pulled my towards the table where almost all the guys sat. I hesitated; wouldn't sitting with them draw a lot of attention to myself?

"Come on Skye, sit with us!" A short brown haired guy called. I had forgotten his name to be honest, it was all quite overwhelming. I shuffled over to their table and took a spare seat next to Jake and Travis. While we ate, Jeremy was constantly telling jokes, which resulted in a lot of spluttering, chocking and laughing. How he kept coming up with new jokes, I'll never know.

"He guys, can you help me out with the time table? It makes no sense." I asked after a while. I had stared at that stupid piece of paper most of the evening, still unable to make sense of it.

"I know right? Principle Burkley likes using her own language." A guy commented from the other side of the table. Jake took the paper from my hands and proceeded to write over the abbreviated letters.

"Better?" He said, handing it back. He had filled it out in proper English for me.

"How is Music 'MJO'?" I asked.

"It stands for 'Music Janice Oakley' None of this thing would make sense to you if you don't know all the teachers names."

"Oh, I get it. Thanks Jake." I put the paper back in my bag and offered to take everyones trays to the wash up box. They handed them all to me and I made my way through the students to the bucket. 

"Hey, Newbie!" Someone shouted, and instinctively I tured to face the direction of the voice and scanned the students for a face. I cringed as something hit me in the face. I dropped the trays to the ground in shock and wiped the mash potato from my eyes.

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