Chapter 1

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We pulled up in front of the new house and I gazed out the window. It was a small, and had definitely out lived its glory. The windows were covered in filth, tiles missing from the roof and the door was a disgusting bright yellow. I pictured what it might have once looked like, with its wooden veranda and carved window frames; yes, it was once a cute cottage, but now...

Mum got out of the car and beckoned me to follow. I hesitantly opened my car door and stood up, stretching my aching legs. The drive had been long, and seeing as we were moving, there was not much space for my long legs along with most of our belongings.

"Isn't it adorable?" Mum asked, turning to face me, arms wide open and a grin firmly placed on her face. I stared at her, then back at the half broken down cottage, searching for the right word.

"It's hideous, mum." I said bluntly, cringing as the front gate fell off its hinges, falling to the footpath with a clang. Tears started to well in her eyes and her arms flopped back down to her sides.

"At least look inside before you insult my choices..." She muttered, not half as excited as before my comment. I didn't like to upset her, but since this was where I would be seen by people too, I should get a say.

I trudged up the path behind her, trying my best to avoid looking at the door as the sun reflected harsh rays off the paint. The key turned in the lock with a loud clunk and the door swung open with a creak. Immediately I was hit by a gust of ancient musty air. Spluttering, I took a step back. Was mum ok? Had she not realised the house was falling apart and smelt like old stuff?

The lights flickered on, casting an eery glow through the dusty hallway. The inside pretty much matched the outside; old and dirty. It looked like some haunted house, but... dustier. I walked down the hallway, floorboards creaking underfoot. The hallway branched off into five separate rooms, and I curiously went to explore.

The first room was just square, and empty. The paint was peeling off the walls and water stains covered the ceiling. I crinkled my nose at the strange smell that filled it and backed out, back into the hallway.

The next room was the bathroom, and lets say, the plumber must have been drunk. The pipes were covered in grime and the tap endlessly dripped. I couldn't live here, was it even humane to force a teenage girl to live in these conditions? 

"This will be your room," Mum said, pointing to a pink door. I loathed the colour pink, and thats where my hatred grew from. I pushed the door open with one finger and stared into the darkness. Fumbling for a light switch, my eyes began to adjust. I flicked the switch and the lights flickered on, revealing a painted wall.

I stared at the wall before scanning the room. The wall depicted an eery forest, the kind where murderers take young children, or the kind kids got lost in, never to be found again. A shiver went down my spine and I just stood there, as if I expected to be stabbed or something.

Something touched my shoulder and I screamed, spinning around. Mum stared at me in shock, her hand still in the spot where my shoulder must have been.

"Are you ok Skye?" Mum asked, blinking. I glanced at the wall again before turning back to my mother.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." I replied shakily.

"Well, the removalist truck obviously didn't make it today, so we'll have to use the sleeping bags tonight. Do you mind getting them from the car?" She didn't quite look convinced that I was ok, but I nodded and headed for the door.

By this time the sun had began to set, casting long shadows on the road and from the house. Great, makes shit even more creepy I thought to myself, opening the boot of the car and digging around for the sleeping bags. I decided a torch could help too, and grabbed one along with some snacks.

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