Day Twenty

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I woke up to the smell of hotcakes. That's the smell I'd hope to wake up to every day after this all ended in the Villa. Neil was smiling down at me. If it weren't for the fact that I had wet dreams about me and Bobby, I'd be pushing this man off me. But, I had a part to play and I needed to be convincing. Didn't take much, just thinking about Bobby's eyes on me last night was enough to make me heat up.

"Good morning, Sexy," Neil moaned. He wanted to come in for a kiss.

"Pumpkin, please. You need to wash your mouth out, you have dragon's breath." He playfully kissed my cheeks and rolled out of bed. I hopped out and headed down the stairs to the smells of breakfast.

Bobby was behind the counter in his apron looking so ridiculously sexy. I tried to concentrate.

Rahim wanted Eggs Benedict and Bobby began his tirade on them being overpriced dippy eggs covered in fancy mayo. He wasn't wrong, but I kind of liked them.

"It's delicious is what it is," Neil said saddling up next to me. Of course, he liked them.

"I think dippy eggs are the best.."

"Robert, though I'd love to hear you drone on about some sort of tale about your 'dippy eggs' I'd like to eat in peace." I closed my eyes and took all my strength not to wail on him. Bobby had been watching me and smirked.

"Hope, my love, will you make me dippy eggs?" he said fluttering his eyelashes.

"How could I say no to that face?" she cooed and squeezed his cheek. Hope looked at me and smiled.

"Krystal, how would you like your eggs?"

"Poached, same as me," Neil said for me. I bit my tongue.

"Oh pumpkin, you remembered. Though they are my favorite, I could go for an omelet with cheese, peppers, mushrooms, and a bit of sausage. I need a good bit of protein. I think today's going to be a very active day." Neil looked like he won the lotto. He thought he was going to get laid... not by me, that's for damn sure.

"I think that's a smashing idea, darling. Hope, may I have one of those too? Just no peppers for me, my eyes well up." My eyes found Bobby's. He grinned into the pan as he helped Hope serve up.

"My goodness, Hope, you are such a delight! How come you've never cooked before? You're an excellent chef," Neil said wiggling his eyebrow at her. I saw Hope blush but I smiled because Neil had eaten a big chunk of pepper in his recent bite. The reaction should show up in about an hour.

As we were about to finish up our breakfast there was motion coming from outside. Shannon looked towards the pool deck. Everyone followed her and spotted two shadowy figures behind the billowing curtains.

Bobby, Neil, and Gary shot up out of their seats.

Two more islanders! And they were girls...


The moment I get Bobby back (not really) and admit that I love him (not to him) two more bitches show up! And of course, Bobby has to be an ass by running like a lunatic down to meet them. Thankfully I was wearing my sexy PJs last night. Let's see what those hoes want with our men.


Bobby loved meeting new people. Was it his fault that these were two beautiful women who looked like they walked out a magazine and into their laps? Elisa was the one who had her eye on him. She seemed so artistic and smooth. Jo seemed like such a cool and in control lass. But Bobby could feel Krystal's hard cold stare, the ice queen had come back to life.

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