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"Oh my goodness" I woke up immediately.

Obviously who would sleep if someone throws a bucket of water on you. Aadhvik! I opened my eyes to look at him.

"What is wrong with you Aadhvik?" I screamed.

"I wanted to make sure you are not getting old" he left telling this one sentence.

What? Getting old? What rubbish this Aadhvik is talking? I finally woke up from my bed and checked my phone.

Oh shit! Today is my bday. Dua and Inaaya dialled me each three times. Ruhi texted me hundred and three messages and called seventy three times. How the hell did I forget my own birthday.


That's why aadhvik said he wanted to make sure that I don't grow old. How did he know my birthday? Whatever! Dua and Inaaya is going to burn me alive. Ruhi must have went to school. Damn, that means Ruhi can wish me only in the evening.

I called Dua and Inaaya,

"You mangoose where the hell did you go......." Dua and Inaaya yelled at me for almost fifteen minutes.

"I slept" my this one word was enough to piss them off. They yelled at me for fifteen minutes and I replied them back with this one word-sleep.

"Okay we are coming to your home" Inaaya said cheerfully.

"No don't. That is I am with Aadhvik here in his office. He won't leave me anytime soon so yeah" for the first time I lied to my best friends. I know if I would meet them I will end up crying for what happened yesterday. Dua is going to get married and Inaaya, let her continue with her happy life. Plus I don't want to cry on my birtday.

"What is wrong with that Aadhvik? We will come to his office" Dua shouts.

"No Dua. He won't let you people inside the office only. I will meet you guys when I come back home" I convinced them and ended the call.

I wanted to talk to my mom. My last birthday was so good. So happy! Midnight wishes, cut cakes, gifts etc etc how nice it was!!

It's okay even if I cry, I will atleast hear her voice. I took my phone and searched for her number. But I couldn't find it. Since the SIM was already damaged , only the frequently called number was there.

If I call to Ruhi's phone my mom might pick up. Since Ruhi went to school, her phone will be with my mom. I called to her phone and suprsingly Ruhi picked up.

"Happy twenty five moron! Where did you go?" Ruhi whispered.

"I slept Ruhi" I smiled

"Shall we meet?" Ruhi asks.

"Where?" I asked her back.

"Come to the park today evening. Okay?"

"Okay. By the way you didn't go school" I started to suspect her. I thought she again bunked.

"It was raining and they gave us holiday. You didn't know?"

"Oh yeah, I remember" I faked a laugh.

"Mom will come. So bye" Ruhi ended the call immediately.

I was happy after talking to Dua, Inaaya and Ruhi. Shreya and Tanya texted me wishing me a happy birthday in my dms. Typical them!

Aadhvik dialed me just then. Why is he calling me now. He never called me during office hours. Without giving second thoughts, I attended his call with so much curiousity. Why am I getting curios now?

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