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I never wanted Esha to know any of these things but she already knew too much and nothing will stop her from knowing things further. She was so determined to know things, even if I don't tell her, she will come to know and I cannot let her offend my mother at any point. Sakshi Ma wasn't and never will be addressed as my step mother.

"Shakshi Ma. The most loved person in my life." I began telling her,

"She wasn't my step mother. She was just like my mother. My mom died immediately after my birth due to blood cancer. It was Shakshi Ma who took care of me since the day I remember. She was my mom's best friend and eventually married my dad for the purpose to take care of me when I was just a year old.

After two years Aadhvik was born into the family. My dad, Shakshi Ma and me everyone was happy and cherished his arrival into our family. He too was the most loving brother one could ever get in life. He used to be so cute, so chunky and so loving towards me that I never myself felt him to be my step brother.

More than my dad, Shakshi Ma made sure that I am not left out. Both my mom and dad showered me extra love and care more than Aadhvik. I never felt left out at any point and was always loved and pampered by Shakshi Ma.

I guess it was around sixteen years ago, my dad was a middle class farmer. That year all the crops failed and in order to run the family even Shakshi Ma went to some odd jobs along with my dad. They would reach home late at night around eight or nine. As we lived near woods, its very vulnerable for any wild attacks. Shakshi Ma feared this and sent me and Aadhvik to Kiran's home." I said

"Kiran Khanna?" Esha asked

"Yes it was him. He was my dad's relative and that's where me and Aadhvik was sent as his home was near to our school. They.....They....It was him and his son. They used to......abuse me every time and threatened me to not tell anyone. They were too powerful and had connections with police officers and I kept my mouth shut.

But after a point I couldnt resists myself so I went and told his wife about this hoping that she would help me but in turn she supported her husband and son without correcting them.

On day as usual Shakhi Ma came to pick me up from their home around nine and they warned me not to open my mouth about this. We three went home and Aadhvik was tired so he slept immediatly after reaching home while my dad already slept. I was too tired and before I could go to bed I fell down.

Shakshi Ma came to pick me up and she noticed all the scratches and wounds on my thighs and legs. She asked me about it and I ended up telling her everything. She listened to everything I said. She just told me to close the doors and sleep while she went to their home. I was......I was really scared. I knew how dangerous they were....I knew it."

"Then why didn't you stop her. You should have right?" Esha questions me. Her question was valid enough. I wasn't at the point to talk and stop her. All I wanted was some rest. I am sure she wouldn't get if I explain her my mindset I had that time.

"I didn't. I don't know why." I said vulnerably.

"What happened next? Did they kill her?"

"No. It was not them. After she went, I was scared so I waked up Aadhvik. I didn't want to disturb my dad as he was already tired after work. I didn't tell anything to him rather I just told Aadhvik that mom went to their home. We both peeped outside through the window and saw my mom coming towards our home running. We were pretty stunned and we both went running to check her out. She came running and crossed the road and she was hit by the car passing that way."

"Then what happened? Why didn't you tell these during the police investigation? Why? Esha was filled with aggression. I could totally get her at this point.

"I will explain." I begin narrating

"We didn't go near her. We both were scared. Aadhvik ran towards our home to call our dad and I ran behind him. But when we came with our dad, there was police officers already but my mom's dead body wasn't there. They took it for the post mortem. Police officers said they have to investigate us three seperatly. We cooperated with them. My dad and Aadhvik was the one too stunned about her death while I was all shattered because I knew this all will end up in something big.

I don't know what interrogation they did to my dad and Aadhvik but for me it wasn't an interrogation, it was more of a threatening. They told me to change the whole story. They threatened me with my dad's and Aadhvik's life. And losing my mom was just enough for me. I couldn't afford to lose them both.

The case took place for almost a month and in this time period my dad became too addictive to drugs in order to overcome my mom's death. Aadhvik was left all alone. He didn't even mind losing his life but all he wanted was to bring out the truth which ultimatly didn't happen because of my statements and the rest of things you must have read on the newspaper." I completed. I really didn't want Esha to know all this but she do have all the rights to know about Aadhvik....after all he is her husband isn't it.

Her eyes was filled with tears and I know her heart was heavy with pain but she have to know it someway or other. I waited for her to ask me that question and she did, "But why is Aadhvik not talking to you for that? You tried saving his life didn't you?" I don't know how is Esha going to react to the thing I am gonna tell her now but she have to know this also.

"It wasn't for that Esha." I took one of the picture of me and Aadhvik during our college days and gave it to her.

"We were in good terms. We remained same till my twenty third birthday. " I said her.

"What happend after your twenty third birthday? " her eyes widened.


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