I reached back home and entered inside. The door was open indicating Aadhvik's arrival from Delhi. I went in serch of him.
"Aadhvik..... Aaaaaaadddhhhhhvvviiiikkkkkk...... Aaadhhhhviiiikkkk...... Aaaddddhhh-" I stopped and was shocked seeing him pray. Woah! Someone is spiritual too. Let me not disturb him. May god have some mercy on him and give some good brain like mine. I went back to our room and lied on the bed. Beside me was lying one of his dress.
Shit! How did I forget? I dried the clothes on the terrace before going and forgot to take it. Run Esha! I ran all way long to the upstairs terrace.
All the clothes were lying here and there. God, Aadhvik's white shirt!! I went and looked down and find his shirt hanging on the opposite banglow's gate.What will I do now? Again I ran all way long to the next bungalow and the shirt fell inside the compound by the time I reached. Aadhvik is gonna kick me out of his home. Shit! The gate is locked. I have never seen anyone inside this home till now and plus it was locked from outside. So why not jump from inside?
I climb Aadhvik's office walls easily so climbing this wall isn't a big deal. You go Esha!
Ahh! I jumped without hurting myslef. The shirt was lying right there. I went and took it! Mission of rescuing Aadhvik's shirt is accomplished! All compliments to me.
"What are you doing here? When did you reach" I could hear Aadhvik's voice. From where is his voice coming? I looked around and finally up. He was standing on our home's terrace. I slowly hid his white shirt behind me and thank goodness he didn't notice it.
"I came simply to look around. I will come. You go" I sighed. He still had a confused look on his face. But he managed to leave. Thank goodness! I immediately jumped off from that bungalow and reached back home.
"I came back." I said with a wide beam across my face.
"I have a clear eye sight unlike you." he scoffs.
Talking to him can only bring a spike in my blood pressure. It is good if I better leave. Huh! I went and wandered all way long onto the garden, swimming pools. Obviously I am seeing my home after three days. Emotions do exist.
"Esha....Esha....." I could hear Aadhvik screaming my name. Why is he screaming my now? I ran all the way to the room upstairs. No wonder I am getting so skinny these days. My collar bone will pop out in this range.
"I am here! Why you screaming? " I asked holding my breath.
"Listen wear this and get ready. " he handed me a beautiful dress. Wow! By the way why did he buy a new dress for me and where is he gonna take me? I knew if I would question him regarding this then he wouldn't tell at me. It's better I zip my mouth.
I wore the dress, and I actually looked pretty. Why am I getting pretty day by day? Plus the dress fitted me perfectly. Aadhvik's choice was good enough. When I came out to show him my dress, but he was busy with some phone calls. God, knows who he is talking to all these days. Maybe his secret girlfriend!
After his call ends, he looks at me and I expected him to be stunned and feel lucky to have me as his wife but look at this guy. He looked at me and gave me the most disguisting look ever and turned back. Huh! Is he even a gentleman?
I got inside the car and texted Dua about what happened.
"Maybe he is taking you for a date. Esha control your emotions. Don't exceed your limits!!!" Dua warned me.
"Date? Hell no! He gave me the most disgusting look." I replied to her text.
"Then fine. But be careful. I have to go now. Bye! I repeat be careful!" Dua's text read.

Beyond His Grey Eyes
RomanceHatred is blind so is Love.... "Never try to change anything here!" His evil eyes did promise me some danger indeed. Meet Esha Varnav, a twenty five year girl who lives life in her own terms. She never cared about things and always remained in her...