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"Vikas Uncle" the first contact read and the second contact was saved under the name "Aadhira". What is he trying to hide? I clicked on the first contact and a photo popped up along with the phone numer and other details. Probably it was Vikas Uncle photo. He looked old around my dad's age. Aadhvik frequently dialed him.

I then clicked on the second contact which was saved as "Aadhira" and her photo also pops with her phone number and other details. She looked really pretty. She had a blonde hair with emrald coloured eyes. I doubted them to be siblings looking at the similarity in their names but my doubt was cleared looking at her face. Nothing was similar between them except names.

What is even wrong with me? Just because she has a name Aadhira which sounds similar to Aadhvik doesn't mean she have to be his sister. Like literally there are so many Aadhira in the world and everyone with that name can't be his sister. Esha, why you being too stupid?

I looked at her face once again and she looked so beautiful. Wow! This is how a girl should be for real. She was just perfect in every aspect. As far as I know Aadhvik didn't have a girlfriend. Wait? What if she is his secret girlfriend because businessman's always try to keep their personal life private. But if she was his girlfriend then why would he marry me? No chance! Then who is she?

I noticed a small pattern on the calls. It was Aadhira who called him everytime and he always declined it. He could have straight away blocked her but he didn't even do that. He simply declined everytime. Something is fishy here.

I literally wanted to throw everything out on someone. So I dialed Inaaya this time. Her consoles can only help me now. She picked up the call on the first ring which clearly said she was jobless.

"Come to my home. I will send you address" I said.

"What is wrong with you? I am busy I can't come I am at the hospital now." She yelled.

"I have to tell something really important please" I sounded not really good.

"Fine. Send me I will come" she finally agreed.

Inaaya reached pretty early. She came within the next twenty minutes not like Dua wandering around streets wondering.

"What you wanna tell?" Inaaya sighs.

"Listen after my phone charged ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is what I found." I explained her everything.

"Wait! What is the name of the girl?" Inaaya asks suspciously.

"It was saved as Aadhira" I told her.

"Show me the picture in it" Inaaya was thinking something deep.

I went and took the phone from his room and came back.

"Here" I gave the phone to Inaaya and she took to see it. The next miniute she stood from the chair in which she was sitting.

"What happened?" I asked her curiously.

"This-th-this is the bu-buisnessman wife I told you about the other day." She says.

"What? The businessman's wife who had a miscarriage?" I shook Inaaya.

Inaaya just nods her head still looking at the picture of her.

Why is she calling Aadhvik? I took the phone from Inaaya.

"Do you know who is he?" I showed her Vikas Uncle photo.

"I know him also. He is a famous neurologist. You never knew him?" Inaaya was so shocked after all this.

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