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Since I am going to see Veronica and Kiara after a very long time, I have to look good enough. So I invaded my whole closet and found some decent clothes. I went to take a bath and wore a pleated navy blue skirt, white dots on the yellow top supported by a brown belt. I decided to leave my brown hair free. I applied kajal for my eyes along with an eye liner. The only good thing about myself is I look pretty good without any efforts so I don't have to spend a lot of time doing tons and tons of makeup. Thank goodness!

I finally started from my home on my cycle. I could feel summer approaching. I am supposed to go Canada by now and look where am I now? Only because of Aadhvik! Cursing him using all possible words on earth, I reached his office. My Ex Office! I rolled my eyes at the security guard and guess what? He saluted me and opened the gate. Hmm it feels nice to be a Billionaire's wife.This much respect for me? Awe!

I peddled my cycle and parked it there in the small corner. Where is his beautiful black jaguar?
Wait, I came with my cycle to take my scotter. Now in what will I go to home. With cycle or scooter? If I go with scotter who will take my cycle. If I go with cycle who will take my scotter. Ughh! I will find some way for for something. For now let me go in.

I walked inside to find Layla there. She came running to me, "OMG! Esha how are you?" she asked.

"I am fine! What about you? Are you eating so much now a days? I could see your tummy popping up" I winked at her.

"Very lame. Can't you see that I am pregnant?" she replied with a gleam.

"What? What? I thought this small protruding tummy was as a result of your high calorie intake. I completely didn't expect it. I knew you were married but" I gulped.

"What do you mean by but?" she questioned me

"Nothing. Aadhvik didn't give you holiday?" I asked looking at her tummy.

"Since summer holidays starts from within three months so I will take my holiday from then." she nodds.

"By the way since how long are you pregnent?" I raised my eyebrows.

"As of now two and a half months" she chuckled.

"Oh nice job ahhh... I mean Congratulation! " I hugged her and walked upstairs.

She is just two and a half months pregnant and her tummy started popping up bit by bit. I would think twice before having kids now. I mean I have seen my mom when she was pregnant with Ruhi but since Ruhi was so small I don't think her tummy came out much. I don't remember exactly as I was also tiny that time. Whatever I don't care!

I didn't even bother to take the elevator. Apparently I was so active today that I thought of taking the steps. While I was doing so, I came into a collison by a women and we both fell down.

"Ouch." I rubbed my head.

"Esha how are you dear? Oh my god" that was veronica's voice. She hugged me before I could even see her face.

"I am good. How are you? You said you would come to see me after my wedding" I questioned her.

"I am really running late. I have to go now. Kiara is there go talk to her. I am really sorry. Bye ESHA." Veronica ran like a jet plane.

Where is this women going? That day when the file was lost also she ran down with the same speed. I will ask her when she comes.

I went up to see Kiara and my dear friend was sitting on her desk working on some files.

"Ahmmm...Ahmmm" I tried clearing my throat to indicate my presence. She stopped for a second and turned back to see me.

"Esha...." She whispered and hugged me.

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