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I headed towards a old library on the city which usually would certainly contain bundles of old newspaper. It literally contains the newspaper in which India's independence was published. I am pretty much sure it would contain the newspaper regarding that case. I went and paid them with some money and searched all over for the newspaper that was dated a decade ago. It is impossible for it to be there but trying isn't wrong. I don't remember much about that case now.

"These are some of the old newspapers. These might be almost fifteen or sixteen years ago." The chief librarian spoke grumpily.

"Oh thank you so much Uncle." I took those bundles and started searching. I knew that news came on the headlines when I was young. I remember my parents talking about this. Esha search search!!!!! Oh thank goodness here it is. I took it immediately and started reading.


DATE : XX - XX - 20XX

Mumbai : Officer Mr.Pratap Singh gave an official statement to the reporters in which he explained about the Sakthi Tanwar's case in depth.

The late Mrs. Shakshi Tanwar is held guilty for this case and is accused for her charges. Mrs. Shakthi Tanwar primarily having her origin from Maharashtra was married to Mr. Anandh Tiwari twelve years ago after the demise of his first wife. Anandh Tiwari have a daughter named Neha (name have been changed) who have been born to Anadh Tiwari and his late first wife. She is now thirteen years old who is considered as a victim on this case. Shakshi Tanwar and Anadh Tiwari also have a son who is currently ten years old (name of the boy wasn't revealed considering the boys future)

It have been said that Mr.Anadh Tiwari faced a sivere loss due to failure of crops. In order to run the family Anadh Tiwari along with Shakshi Tanwar did odd jobs to support the family. In this situation, Since their home was far away near the woods, Neha and her younger brother was sent to their Uncle, Mr. Kiran Khanna's home after school hours.

As days rolled by Mr. Kiran Khanna and his family members started noticing some weird behaviours of Neha. Mrs. Kiran noticed several wounds and scratches all over Neha's body and when they enquired about it to Shakshi Tanwar, it have been stated that she threatened them and injured Mr.Kiran's son Siddharth with sharp knife to not let this be known.

"Mr. Kiran immediately dialed me. And seeing Kiran dialing to the higher officials, Shakshi Tanwar tried escaping from the place. Mr. Kiran and his son tried to catch hold of her but was in vain. As she was running, unfortunately she was hit by a car and lost her life. The dead body have been acquired by the other police officers and have been sent for the post mortem. The post mortem report will be given shortly. Neha is now under police custody. Mr.Anadh Tiwari have been taking drugs after the death of his second wife so considering Neha's future she would be taken care by her maternal grandparents. Hence Shakshi Tanwar is held guilty and the case is therefore closed. Thank you" Pratap Singh completed his sentence.

As he completed his sentence, he was brutally hit with stones by Shakshi Tanwar's son. The police have caught him and the later reports said that he would be given an initial warning and would be sent to an Orphanage.

This case have gained much attention all over India and the stereotype prevailing about Step mother have been proved right once again. Mr. Pratap Singh and other police officers are being applaused for their work. There have been continues critisism on the ten year old boy (Shakshi Tanwar's son) for being violent with the police officers in support of a accuest. Posters have seen stuck all around Mumbai refering him with the name "The Son Of a Bitch."

But besides all the applause and critisism, Justice have once again been rightly served.

No!!! No!!!

This really can't be Aadhvik!! I didn't expect him to hide such a big thing from me. He is punishable. Aadhvik is punishable!!!! I started regretting for marrying him. He doesn't deserve a family, a wife and not even a friend.

I immediately headed to home on my scotter. Entering his home itself felt like some kind of sin. I packed all my things up. I don't know where I am heading too but I can't stay here.

"Eshaaaaa I am back! What are you doing here?" Dua came to the room and saw me packing all my dresses.

"Better go away Dua." I started crying.

"What happened? Why are you crying? Esha tell me what happened? What is wrong? Where is Aadhvik?" She asked.

"Don't even utter his name Dua. He is such a cheat Dua. He cheated me and he cheated everyone." I sat down with no energy inside me.

"What he did to you? Esha don't cry. I can't see you like this. Please Esha stop crying" Dua hugged me and tears were rolling from her eyes also.

"This Aadhvik ________________________________________________________________________ he was the boy mentioned in Shakshi Tanwar's case. He deserves to be called as Son of a Bitch. You know what, I actually thought things were working out between me and him. I thought we can lead a good life. I actually started liking him. If this is what you call love, then there is nothing wrong telling that I loved him. Dua.... I- I want to go back to my home. I can't stay here anymore Dua. Get me to my parents. Help me get out from here." I sobbed.

"Esha I don't think it is him. You can ask him directly. Maybe you misunderstood." Dua tried convincing me.

"You better stop it Dua. Shakshi Tanwar has grey eyes. She freaking had grey eyes. And Aadhvik even he have the same grey eyes." I said.

"Don't be dumb Esha, there are many people with the same grey eyes. Don't be so stupid." Dua yells. I found his potrait hung on the wall. Looking at his face itself made me feel disgusted. I got up and threw that potrait down.

When the portrait fell down tiny pictures of his mom drpped from the frame. He was hiding everything from me. Even this pictures!!!

"Look you wanted me to ask him right? Remember this. This photo came all over on posters and newspaper. This is Shakshi Tanwar." I threw the picture on Dua's face. She couldn't talk anything more as she herself knew it was him.

"We will find a way Esha. You chill now." she still tried calming me down. Dua!

"Exactly I have to find a way to prove my mom. I cannot live with him anymore. I have to get away from this house as soon as possible." I said wiping off my tears. He isn't worth my tears.

"Esha you are only three months married! Think twice about this please." Dua says her opinion.

"In this three months he broke me in all possible ways. I have had enough. It's enough!" I finally came to a conclusion.

"What are you going to do now? How are you going to prove your mom?" Dua asked actually with the idea of helping me out.

"I have a plan!" I took my phone and ordered something for home delivery.


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