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Dua's mom came and took her to her room. Zayd's room to be precise. Only close relatives and friends of Dua and her family stayed so everyone slept on the big hall. The light soon went off and everyone dozed off to sleep. I didn't feel like sleeping so I opened my phone and thought of calling Aadhvik. He said he wouldn't know when he will return so asking him did he reach home safely or not is not a big deal. I opened his contact and my hands were about to dial him and Dua's call pops up.

Eh? Why is this women calling me now?

"Hello" I whispered.

"Hello Esha guess what? I have mango juice here. God knows who kept it but yeah" she giggles.

"What? Mango juice? Give it to me" I asked desperately.

"Fine, Fine have some patience. Come in front of my room. Juice is basically inside the cup so hold it carefully. Come fast. " she ends the call before I could answer further.

I slowly crawled down and went near her room and whispered, "Dua!"

Her door slowly opened and I could sense her stretching her hand. I somehow managed to hold the cup. "Thanks" I sighed.

Suddenly someone sneezed and I panicked as a result the cup fell down. Shit!

"Esha get lost. " Dua slams her door shut.

Everyone woke up and the lights were on immediately. I manged to crawl and go back to my place before the lights were on.

"What happened? What is the mango juice doing here. I kept it inside Dua and Zayd's room." Zayd's mom answers.

Everyone looked at one another and their gaze finally turned towards me. Why are they looking at me?

"It is you I know" sohail tells.

"Excuse me! It wasn't me!!" I said confidently.

"Then why is mango juice split all over your dress" he smirks.

Shit! I looked at my dress and it was filled with yellow stains. God, I have to do something now. Dua can't you come to help me? Ugh!

"And plus I heard you talking on the phone when the lights went off. I knew you were talking to Dua!" He adds.

Was I that loud that Sohail could hear me talking from the other corner of the hall? Esha you screwed it up.

"I was talking to Inaaya" I tried giving a valid reason.

"Then give me your phone let me check" Sohail glares at me. This guy! Dua!!!! Where is Dua? Why can't she come to save me from all this?

Just then Dua's room door opens and she comes out yawning. I mean she was pretending to be sleepy.

"What noise here?" She yawns once again.

"Don't act I knew you both were talking on phone." Sohail answers her back.

"Lesbians" he whispers.

"No we weren't talking if you want ask Zayd" Dua calls out his name. Gawd! This Zayd is gonna screw this up more. Dua!
Zayd comes out and looks at me and Dua. Dua gave him the death stare that he was taken aback because he knew if he ever said something that would lead me to trouble, Dua would never spare him alive!

"No they weren't talking. " he says. Thank goodness! For the first time I feel happy about Dua marrying Zayd. Sohail is all disaapointed now.

"Fine how did the juice spill then. The juice was inside your room isn't it?" Sohail begins.

What is Dua gonna answer him now? Shit!

"Esha texted me asking for something to drink. So I told juice is in the fridge go and take it. And plus we have many cups like this in our home. Since it was dark, the cup must have fell from her hand by mistakely. Isn't it Esha?" She looks at me with a proud look on her face.

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