oikawa's birthday (part 1)

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Seijoh had finished training and were packing up.
Iwaizumi had had a quick talk with the coaches and asked if he could announce something to the whole club to which the coaches were okay with.

"Hey!" Iwaizumi exclaimed, "Can I have all of your attention for a few minutes?"

Iwaizumi was standing next the a whiteboard which had the words, "oikawa's birthday" written on it and a badly drawn picture of Oikawa. The club members crowded around the board. Iwaizumi looked over at the coaches who nodded at him, letting him know he was allowed to start. Then Iwaizumi nodded back and looked over at his teammates.

"As all of you know, in two days time it'll be the end of the first term. It'll also be Oikawa's birthday. His last birthday in Aoba Johsai." Iwaizumi started off. He wrote down July 20th on the board.

"Since it his last birthday here, we shall make sure our good captain has a good birthday. Even though he is a narcissistic piece of trash." Iwaizumi added.

Kindaichi raised his hand up.

"Yes Kindaichi?"

"Um, where Oikawa-san?" Kindaichi asked.

"Oh? I locked him in the locker room. Don't worry, he's fine." Iwaizumi smiled.

meanwhile, in the locker room

"IWA-CHAN!!" Oikawa shouted, "Please, let me out! I want to practice my serves after practice is finished I promise I will not over-work myself! It'll just be 2 hours of non-stop practicing, it's not that bad? I'm sorry I just really want to beat that bastar—Ushiwaka, so much— IWAAAA!!


Iwa-chan, are you there? Please, please... I beg of you... ok, how about 1hr of non-stop practicing? I was thinking of practicing going in with a jump serve to trick my opponents when it's actually a jump float! Haha! Wouldn't that be so cool? I was also planning on practicing a bit more at spiking, I know I'm a setter but you never know... ALSO—"

"Don't you think he'd be a bit lonely though?" Kindaichi asked.

"Nah, he'll probably start talking to himself or me, even if I'm not there and start going on and on about his day or something he wants to achieve. As long as I don't lock him in there for too long, he'll be ok." Iwaizumi assured.

"Anyway," Iwaizumi continued, "In order to make sure we give Oikawa a very good birthday we need to consider his three favourite things...."

Iwaizumi flipped the whiteboard, there was three , boldly written in black ink, words.

"In no particular order, Oikawa's three favourite things are milkbread, volleyball and attention."

"Ooooooh," the teammates nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Oikawa loves to be the centre of attention, he's always sad when he's not featured in the monthly volleyball magazine. He would do anything for volleyball, and I mean anything. Then there's milkbread... Do I even need to explain this one?"

"Nope." The teammates answered.

"Thought so. Moving on, taking these three factors into consideration, Oikawa will have a birthday he'll never forget.
First: attention. When you see him walking along the corridors, say, 'Happy Birthday Oikawa-senpai,' it will make him very happy. If everyone does, his ego will be at it's highest point which is what we are trying to achieve. Next: volleyball. We'll treat Oikawa with a lot of respect and also at the end of the session we shall sing him Happy Birthday, give him balloons and treat him with gifts. Now, I'm guessing his fangirls will have already given him a lot of gifts so the gift part can be left to the 3rd years. I plan on making him a volleyball-shaped cake. I'm not the best at baking but I'm sure if I take my time, it'll turn out okay. The rest of you shall buy him milkbread. It'll be a lot, but Oikawa loves milkbread, the more the better. Make you guys buy Oowai farm's seasonal and limited milk breads. You all understand?"

"Understood Iwaizumi-san!" His teammates answered.

"Great. It may not be a full on party but it'll make Oikawa happy. He's been a bit down since the Shiratorizawa vs Aoba Johsai match... I can tell. This is the least we can do."


"Oi. Calm down, I'm unlocking the door." Iwaizumi said as he unlocked the locker room door.

"Iwa-chan! Why did you lock me in here?! I've been so bored, I wanted to practice my serves! I've wasted so much precious time! It's not long until we'll meet Shiratorizawa again y'know?" Oikawa wasn't in a good mood.

"I locked you up here cause you were ticking me off," Iwaizumi opened the door and entered the locker room, "Anyway, you didn't miss much. Practice just ended."

"Oh," Oikawa was relived, "I can practice a bit before going home, that's a relief." Oikawa got his stuff ready.

"No, you are not." Iwaizumi said sternly, "It's your birthday tomorrow, remember? If you enter that gym you'll never come out and when you do you'll probably stay up all night at home again. At least rest... for once."

"Iwa-chan, Iwa-chan, Iwa-chan," Oikawa laughed while shaking his head, "I'm aware it is my birthday tomorrow, I am surprised you remembered, but I plan on making my serves more like spikes and I will do so no matter what so if you could excuse me—"

"No." Iwaizumi said. "You are going home. I know you're upset about the whole match against Shiratorizawa, I am too, but now is not the time to start over-working and being hard on yourself again. Understood?"

Oikawa gave Iwaizumi a look, he seemed irritated. He didn't want Iwaizumi in his way. But then he thought about his injuries from over-working himself in the past. Iwaizumi was right...again.

Oikawa rolled his eyes, "Fiiinnne. But you don't have to act like such a mum y'know, I'm basically 18, I can take care of myself."

"Sure." Iwaizumi was being sarcastic again.

"So mean!"

"What, I didn't even say anything mean."

"I know, but the tone of your voice when you said, sure was mean!"

"Whatever Trashykawa, let's go home."

"You don't need to call me that, Oikawa does well too."


Well hello again.
I'll make a part 2 to this.... actually, when i think about it. It's oikawa's bday in like 2 weeks, I'll write the story beforehand and post it on his bday! But mm, does it really matter? Meh, I'll do it anyway. I'll just write more one shots for the time being.
I'll keep on shuffling the chapters around so it's chronological and less confusing. (This one takes place after seijoh and karasuno's first real match) man, i can't watch seijoh vs karasuno's season 2 match again, it just hurts me too much aaaaahh. I CRIED SO MUCH AT THE END.

anyway bye, as said before ik no one is actually reading this but if you are hey.
i mainly made this book just for fun, but when i do finish it i hope it gets noticed. I'd like ppl commenting and saying what their views on the chapter are, those types of comments make me happy :)



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