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𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎



Ugh! It was another day of Hopes Peak.
I honestly HATE  school, like
Who doesn't?

I roll off my bed and just stay on the floor
"Damn... What time is it...?"
I look up at the clock behind me

I rush to the closet, pull on my neon green jumsuit, comb my hair...
Something is missing...
"MY BEANIE!" I ran to the dresser
"Damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn" I scrammble through the dresser, still nothing.

"Guess I can't wear it today..." I rush to the restroom, brush my teeth, and rush out of my room

"KIDDO! IS THAT YOU MAKING ALL THAT RACKET?" Tatsuo asked (Kazuichis dad)

"Ya! Sorry pops!" I run out the house, then suddenly...


"Are you alright?" A tall guy... Hold on... Dang it,
It's that edgy dude in class.

"Go away!" I shouted as I slapped his hand.

"Hmmph.. You really are quite stubborn you fool!" He said as he started to rub his hand.

"Ya ya! What ever, let's just hurry and go to school" I said as I crossed my hands.

"May you repeat that...?" Gundham asked
"Are you kidding me! It's Monday isn't it!" I shouted as I grabbed his hand and started running towards the school.

"Are you ok, Pink haired mortal, I am afraid that today is Sunday" He said as he pulled his hand away.

"Oh... Heh!" I chuckled awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's alright, I was just on my way to get Boba, would you care to join?"
Gundham asked as he was petting one of his hamsters
"Uh... Sure!"

Once we made it to the Boba store, we took a seat at a table
"Whatcha gettin?" I asked as I was going through my empty wallet.

"It wouldn't matter,  it's not like a fiend like you would want what im getting anyways" Gundham scolded.

"... Uh... This is awkward but... I don't have any money, sorry, but I gotta go..." I said as I got up from the chair
"N-No! Please accompany me, I'll pay for your drink" Gundham said as he grabbed my wrist.
"Alright! It's settled then" I said as I grinned at the breeder.

No ones POV:

Kazuichi sat back down and started to fiddle with his hair.

"Ahem! Are you alright, Souda?" The breeder asked the pink haired boy.

"Hmm? Oh, ya ya, I'm gOod" Kazuichi said as his voice cracked
"Are you sure, if things aren't ok,  you can speak to the "soon to be ruler of this world" or known as, Gundham Tanaka" Gundham said as he grabbed Kazuichi's hand that was resting on the table.

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