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"Yup, though I was embarrassed when you were changin me..."
Kazuichi said as his face turned red

"Let's just forget about that and watch TV"
Kazuichi said laying his head on Gundhams shoulder

"Ok my dark companion"

"... "
The two boys were quiet the whole day due to embarrassment

"So... What should we watch now..? "

Kazuichi asked the tall male lifting his head from Gundhams shoulder

"... I would like to go on a so called  "Date"
Gundhams said covering his face with his scarf

"S-Sure! We could go!"
Kazuichi said blushing like crazy
"Where should we go?"

"Perhaps the restaurant that would most suit my beloved"
Gundham said wrapping his arms around The Pinkett

"... Heh.. "
Kazuichi chuckled and layed his head on Gundhams shoulder
"Anyways... I think we should change, so we can go to the restaurant"
He got off of Gundhams shoulder and headed towards
the closet
"Ooh! Should I wear this?"
Kazuichi hid his outfit behind him and headed towards the restroom

"Excuse me, my paramore, would you like to use some of my hair gel, or would you prefer to keep your hair natural"
Gundham said giving Kazuichi options

"... YA, T-THANKS"
Kazuichi shouted.

Kazuichi changed into a white buttoned up shirt,
Black jeans, a black and grey belt, and put his hair in a ponytail.

"I didn't use the hair gel, because I don't want my hair to be straight, I want people to know im gay!"
Kazuichi joked as he got out the restroom

"My paramore, you look stunning"
Gundham said underneath his scarf

"Err.. Thanks"
The mechanic chuckled
"Anyways, let's head to the restaurant"

Kazuichi and Gundham walked inside a fancy restaurant holding hands
Everyone in the restaurant were facing Gundham and Kazuichi in shock

"... I don't feel... Comfortable being stared at.. "
Kazuichi said letting go of Gundhams hand.

"... No..."
Gundham grabbed Kazuichis hand
"Don't be ashamed on love, my

"Err.. Ok..."
Kazuichi said gripping onto Gundhams hand super tight

"Remember, those fiends don't have the same power I hold"
Gundham said rubbing Kazuichis hand with his thumb
"Now, let's go sit down"

The two males sat down on a table and looked at each other in the eyes

"... You have pretty eyes"
Kazuichi muttered

"T-Thank you..."
Gundham blushed underneath his scarf

-after they left their date"

"Today was... Fun"
Kazuichi said holding Gundhams hand

"I too had a good time at our date"
Gundham said looking up at the sky

"I love you..."
The mechanic said turning to Gundham

"I too have the same feelings aswe-"
Gundham was interrupted by Kazuichi knocking him down on the grass and pinning him down

"M-My beloved"
Gundham looked away embarrassed

Kazuichi looked at Gundham with a face of Lust

"...Not n-now.."
Gundham managed to say,
sadly, Kazuichi didn't obey his command,
Kazuichi started licking Gundhams ear

"Urggh! K-Kazuichi, don't act to f-foolish"
Gundham groaned as he knocked Kazuichi off of him
"Please, don't act like a female cat in heat"

Kazuichi looked at Gundham and let his back hit the grass
"The skys pretty, huh?"

"Yes, your correct, the sky is indeed lovely"
Gundham said laying down on the grass with Kazuichi

"I'm sorry... About earlier... You just looked so... "
Kazuichi stopped his sentence and faced Gundham
"You looked so.....Tasty.....
I had to try it...no....I needed to try it, i-its complicated, but I was close to... Ya know... Doing "That" To you in public..."
Kazuichi chuckled and looked back at the sky

"... I-I see..."
Gundham blushed and looked back at the sky

"... I love you"
Kazuichi said kissing Gundhams lips
Though Gundham couldnt reply, because their make out session could've gotten disruppted by his words.

incase your wondering why this is short, it's because this is the end, I LOVE soudam a lot, so I'm working on another, hope you have a good day my loves•

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